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La plus belle fille du monde (1951) on global platforms:
Movie basic details
Current status - Released
Total runtime - 110 mins.
Release date - 31-10-1951
Release year - 1951
Genres - Comedy, Drama
Overall ratings and scores for La plus belle fille du monde:
Happiness Score - 0/10, World Popularity Score - 0.6/100, IMDB Score - N/A, Metascore - N/A, .
La plus belle fille du monde movie has Total Global Votes - 0, Total IMD Votes - N/A
La plus belle fille du monde Movie Introduction: Movie La plus belle fille du monde, release year 1951 is written by Philippe Brunet, Jean Ferry, Christian Stengel and directed by Christian Stengel. The leading star-cast in this movie are Nadine Alari, Françoise Arnoul, Madeleine Barbulée along with the other stars and crew members.
Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes
Movie overview and plot by Anagha Shashank
Movie in-short: In order to please Martineau, a wealthy industrialist, cynical Gabory accepts to organize a rigged beauty contest whose winner will be Françoise, Martineau's young mistress. However, there are other comely contestants among whom Chri
Movie story-line: In order to please Martineau, a wealthy industrialist, cynical Gabory accepts to organize a rigged beauty contest whose winner will be Françoise, Martineau's young mistress. However, there are other comely contestants among whom Christiane, the daughter of a general, Jackie, an unemployed actress, Colette, the daughter of a distiller and Marie, a secretary engaged to serious-minded construction foreman Robert. So, will things turn out exactly the way Martineau and Gabory want them...?
Movie synopsis: In order to please Martineau, a wealthy industrialist, cynical Gabory accepts to organize a rigged beauty contest whose winner will be Françoise, Martineau's young mistress. However, there are other comely contestants among whom Christiane, the daughter of a general, Jackie, an unemployed actress, Colette, the daughter of a distiller and Marie, a secretary engaged to serious-minded construction foreman Robert. So, will things turn out exactly the way Martineau and Gabory want them...?
Highlights - La plus belle fille du monde (1951)
Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - S.N.E. GaumontÉquipe Technique de Productions Cinématographiques
Produced in - France
Available languages - French (Français),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) -
Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of La plus belle fille du monde (1951)
Lead Actors - Nadine Alari, Françoise Arnoul, Madeleine Barbulée
Writer(s) - Philippe Brunet, Jean Ferry, Christian Stengel
Director(s) - Christian Stengel
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about La plus belle fille du monde (1951)
What is the release date of La plus belle fille du monde (1951)?
Release date of La plus belle fille du monde (1951) is 31-10-1951.
What is the total runtime of La plus belle fille du monde (1951) in minutes?
Total runtime of La plus belle fille du monde (1951) in minutes is 110 min.
What is the budget consumed to produce La plus belle fille du monde (1951) movie?
The budget consumed to produce La plus belle fille du monde (1951) movie is around $0.00.
How much revenue is expected from movie La plus belle fille du monde (1951)?
Expected revenue from movie movie La plus belle fille du monde (1951) is around $0.00.
What is the pupularity of La plus belle fille du monde (1951)?
Worldwide pupularity of La plus belle fille du monde (1951) movie is 0.6%.
What is the name of the production company of film La plus belle fille du monde (1951)?
Production company of film La plus belle fille du monde (1951) is/are S.N.E. Gaumont, Équipe Technique de Productions Cinématographiques, .
Which country the film La plus belle fille du monde (1951) is produced in?
Film production country for the film La plus belle fille du monde (1951) is France, .
Which language the film La plus belle fille du monde (1951) is produced in?
Film La plus belle fille du monde (1951) is produced in French (Français), language(s).
Which Genre the film La plus belle fille du monde (1951) belongs to?
Movie La plus belle fille du monde (1951) is categorized under N/A genre(s).
Who are the lead actors of the film La plus belle fille du monde (1951)?
Lead actors of the film La plus belle fille du monde (1951) are Nadine Alari, Françoise Arnoul, Madeleine Barbulée.
Who is the writer of the film La plus belle fille du monde (1951)?
The writer(s) of the film La plus belle fille du monde (1951) is/are Philippe Brunet, Jean Ferry, Christian Stengel.
Who is the director of the film La plus belle fille du monde (1951)?
The director(s) of the film La plus belle fille du monde (1951) is/are Christian Stengel.
Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by La plus belle fille du monde (1951) movie?
Movie La plus belle fille du monde (1951) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.
What is the story of La plus belle fille du monde (1951) in-short?
Short plot of movie La plus belle fille du monde (1951): In order to please Martineau, a wealthy industrialist, cynical Gabory accepts to organize a rigged beauty contest whose winner will be Françoise, Martineau's young mistress. However, there are other comely contestants among whom Chri.
What is the full story of La plus belle fille du monde (1951) movie?
Full plot of movie La plus belle fille du monde (1951): In order to please Martineau, a wealthy industrialist, cynical Gabory accepts to organize a rigged beauty contest whose winner will be Françoise, Martineau's young mistress. However, there are other comely contestants among whom Christiane, the daughter of a general, Jackie, an unemployed actress, Colette, the daughter of a distiller and Marie, a secretary engaged to serious-minded construction foreman Robert. So, will things turn out exactly the way Martineau and Gabory want them...?.
Where to find full details of La plus belle fille du monde (1951) movie?
You can find the full details of movie La plus belle fille du monde (1951) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0159654
Where to stream or watch movie La plus belle fille du monde (1951) online?
You can stream or watch online movie La plus belle fille du monde (1951) on .
List of full Starcast and crew members of La plus belle fille du monde (1951)
Full Starcast:
Name: Nadine Alari
Character: Marie CharmyName: Françoise Arnoul
Character: FrançoiseName: Madeleine Barbulée
Character: Agency SecretaryName: Henri Beaulieu
Character: Name: Paul Bernard
Character: MartineauName: Claude Borelli
Character: CompetitorName: Marc Cassot
Character: RobertName: Jacques Castelot
Character: Gabory, the presidentName: Henri Crémieux
Character: Balbec de la MorlièreName: Marius David
Character: ImpresarioName: Hubert de Lapparent
Character: CarnotName: Andrée Florence
Character: Name: Nicole Francis
Character: Colette DumontName: Nicole Frantz
Character: CompetitorName: Jacqueline Gauthier
Character: Jacqueline "Jackie" TessierName: Renée Grisier
Character: A motherName: Jeanne Hardeyn
Character: Name: Jean Hébey
Character: Director of the newspaper France PresseName: Joëlle Janin
Character: CompetitorName: Maud Lamy
Character: CompetitorName: Paulette Langlais
Character: PauletteName: Palmyre Levasseur
Character: Name: Jean-Pierre Lorrain
Character: Name: Mag-Avril
Character: A motherName: Henri Marchand
Character: Mayor of RoyatName: Renaud Mary
Character: AlbertoName: Olivier Mathot
Character: Prince Sélim BeyName: Christiane Mayo
Character: CompetitorName: Robert Moor
Character: Member of the circleName: Liane Morice
Character: Name: Jean-Paul Moulinot
Character: Name: Yannick Muller
Character: Name: Christiane Nussbaum
Character: CompetitorName: Nadine Olivier
Character: CompetitorName: María Riquelme
Character: Christiane ThomasName: Maurice Régamey
Character: GeorgesName: Max Révol
Character: LoiseauName: Louis Seigner
Character: Monsieur DumontName: Solange Sicard
Character: A motherName: Robert Vattier
Character: Prosecutor Paul Thomas
Crew Members:
Name: Christian Stengel
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Director
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