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![The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w45/emthp39XA2YScoYL1p0sdbAH2WA.jpg)
![The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) movie is available to watch/stream on FlixOlé The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) movie is available to watch/stream on FlixOlé](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w45/9mmdMwWkDh12sIeSbEvsFWzmDX2.jpg)
Movie basic details
Current status - Released
Total runtime - 104 mins.
Release date - 18-12-1998
Release year - 1998
Genres - Comedy, Fantasy
Overall ratings and scores for The Miracle of P. Tinto:
Happiness Score - 6.513/10, World Popularity Score - 6.424/100, IMDB Score - 7.1, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 7.1/10, .
The Miracle of P. Tinto movie has Total Global Votes - 79, Total IMD Votes - 4,055
The Miracle of P. Tinto Movie Introduction: Movie The Miracle of P. Tinto, release year 1998 is written by Guillermo Fesser, Javier Fesser and directed by Javier Fesser. The leading star-cast in this movie are Luis Ciges, Janusz Ziemniak, Pablo Pinedo along with the other stars and crew members.
Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes
Movie overview and plot by Anagha Shashank
Movie in-short: Wafer factory-owner P. Tinto and his wife Olivia want a their own child more than anything else in the world, but after years of trying, they have nothing but a pair of extraterrestrial midgets living in their spare bedroom. When ...
Movie story-line: Wafer factory-owner P. Tinto and his wife Olivia want a child of their own more than anything else in the world. Years of trying, however, have left them with nothing but a pair of extraterrestrial midgets living in the spare bedroom. When they decide to try adoption, a series of misroutings and chance encounters results in an escaped adult mental patient arriving at their door with adoption papers in hand. P. Tinto and Olivia accept this without question and welcome him in as their son. Can this family arrangement work?
Movie synopsis: Wafer factory-owner P. Tinto and his wife Olivia want a their own child more than anything else in the world, but after years of trying, they have nothing but a pair of extraterrestrial midgets living in their spare bedroom. When they decide to try adoption, a series of misroutings and chance encounters results in an escaped adult mental patient arriving at their door with adoption papers in hand. P. Tinto and Olivia accept this without question and welcome him in as their son. Can this family arrangement work?
Highlights - The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998)
Total budget - $2,020,000.00
Total revenue - $4,374,994.00
Produced by - Películas PendeltonSociedad General de Televisión (Sogetel)
Produced in - Spain
Available languages - Spanish (Español), English (English),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - 5 wins & 2 nominations
Certificate(s) - JP : APTA
Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998)
Lead Actors - Luis Ciges, Janusz Ziemniak, Pablo Pinedo
Writer(s) - Guillermo Fesser, Javier Fesser
Director(s) - Javier Fesser
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998)
What is the release date of The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998)?
Release date of The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) is 18-12-1998.
What is the total runtime of The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) in minutes?
Total runtime of The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) in minutes is 106 min.
What is the budget consumed to produce The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) movie?
The budget consumed to produce The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) movie is around $2,020,000.00.
How much revenue is expected from movie The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998)?
Expected revenue from movie movie The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) is around $4,374,994.00.
What is the pupularity of The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998)?
Worldwide pupularity of The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) movie is 6.424%.
What is the name of the production company of film The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998)?
Production company of film The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) is/are Películas Pendelton, Sociedad General de Televisión (Sogetel), .
Which country the film The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) is produced in?
Film production country for the film The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) is Spain, .
Which language the film The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) is produced in?
Film The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) is produced in Spanish (Español), English (English), language(s).
Which Genre the film The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) belongs to?
Movie The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) is categorized under Comedy, Fantasy genre(s).
Who are the lead actors of the film The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998)?
Lead actors of the film The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) are Luis Ciges, Janusz Ziemniak, Pablo Pinedo.
Who is the writer of the film The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998)?
The writer(s) of the film The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) is/are Guillermo Fesser, Javier Fesser.
Who is the director of the film The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998)?
The director(s) of the film The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) is/are Javier Fesser.
Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) movie?
Movie The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) has 5 wins & 2 nominations awards and nomination in it's profile.
What is the story of The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) in-short?
Short plot of movie The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998): Wafer factory-owner P. Tinto and his wife Olivia want a their own child more than anything else in the world, but after years of trying, they have nothing but a pair of extraterrestrial midgets living in their spare bedroom. When ....
What is the full story of The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) movie?
Full plot of movie The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998): Wafer factory-owner P. Tinto and his wife Olivia want a their own child more than anything else in the world, but after years of trying, they have nothing but a pair of extraterrestrial midgets living in their spare bedroom. When they decide to try adoption, a series of misroutings and chance encounters results in an escaped adult mental patient arriving at their door with adoption papers in hand. P. Tinto and Olivia accept this without question and welcome him in as their son. Can this family arrangement work?.
Where to find full details of The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) movie?
You can find the full details of movie The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0151572
Where to stream or watch movie The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) online?
You can stream or watch online movie The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998) on Amazon Prime Video, FlixOlé, .
List of full Starcast and crew members of The Miracle of P. Tinto (1998)
Full Starcast:
Name: Luis Ciges
Character: P. TintoName: Silvia Casanova
Character: OliviaName: Pablo Pinedo
Character: JoselitoName: Javier Aller
Character: Marcianito 1 (José Ramón)Name: Emilio Gavira
Character: Marcianito 2 (El Teniente)Name: Janusz Ziemniak
Character: Apenao / BartoloName: Bermúdez
Character: P. Tinto jovenName: Andrés Calamardo
Character: P. Tinto niñoName: Pepe Viyuela
Character: Manikomien DirektorrName: Tomás Sáez
Character: Padre MarcianoName: Goizalde Núñez
Character: Olivia jovenName: Sonia Calamardo
Character: Olivia niñaName: Manuel Román
Character: Profesor cursillosName: Montse G. Romeu
Character: Profesora cursillosName: Eduardo Gómez
Character: CarteroName: Carlos Lucas
Character: GasolineroName: Juan Manuel Chiapella
Character: P. Pinto OriginalName: Pietro Olivera
Character: Cura suplente / Cocinero BailarínName: Bruto Pomeroy
Character: Padre en gasolineraName: Nuria González
Character: MadrastraName: Luchi López
Character: Madre de JoselitoName: Ricardo Arroyo
Character: Agente inmobiliarioName: Janfri Topera
Character: Usillos
Crew Members:
Name: Javier Aguirresarobe
Department: Crew
Job/Role: CinematographyName: César Macarrón
Department: Art
Job/Role: Art DirectionName: Enrique López Lavigne
Department: Production
Job/Role: Associate ProducerName: Guillermo Represa
Department: Editing
Job/Role: EditorName: Javier Fesser
Department: Directing
Job/Role: DirectorName: Javier Fesser
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Camera OperatorName: Javier Fesser
Department: Writing
Job/Role: WriterName: Luis Manso
Department: Production
Job/Role: ProducerName: Marina Ortiz Lenoir-Grand
Department: Production
Job/Role: Production ManagerName: Guillermo Fesser
Department: Writing
Job/Role: WriterName: Gustavo Ferrada
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive ProducerName: Suso Sáiz
Department: Sound
Job/Role: MusicName: Pedro Manuel Lazaga
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Assistant DirectorName: José María Bloch
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Sound Recordist
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