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![The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) movie is available to watch/stream on Alleskino The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) movie is available to watch/stream on Alleskino](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w45/cDwMvtLqnReORuXJAOKUCTcyc5f.jpg)
![The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) movie is available to buy on Amazon Video The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) movie is available to buy on Amazon Video](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w45/5NyLm42TmCqCMOZFvH4fcoSNKEW.jpg)
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![The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) movie is available to buy on Alleskino The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) movie is available to buy on Alleskino](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w45/cDwMvtLqnReORuXJAOKUCTcyc5f.jpg)
Movie basic details
Current status - Released
Total runtime - 84 mins.
Release date - 05-03-1971
Release year - 1971
Genres - Adventure
Overall ratings and scores for The Devil Came from Akasava:
Happiness Score - 4.833/10, World Popularity Score - 1.801/100, IMDB Score - 4.8, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 4.8/10, .
The Devil Came from Akasava movie has Total Global Votes - 9, Total IMD Votes - 666
The Devil Came from Akasava Movie Introduction: Movie The Devil Came from Akasava, release year 1971 is written by Paul André, Arne Elsholtz, Ladislas Fodor and directed by Jesús Franco. The leading star-cast in this movie are Fred Williams, Soledad Miranda, Horst Tappert along with the other stars and crew members.
Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes
Movie overview and plot by Anagha Shashank
Movie in-short: A mineral is discovered which can turn metal to gold or humans into zombies. When the mineral is stolen, secret agents are sent in to get the mineral back!
Movie story-line: A mineral is discovered which can turn metal to gold or humans into zombies. When the mineral is stolen, secret agents are sent in to get the mineral back!
Movie synopsis: British scientist Prof. Walter Forrester has found an intensely radioactive mineral in the Akasava jungle of South America that can purportedly transmute elements. His assistant collects a specimen in a cave, but it is stolen and the assistant suffering from a gunshot wound. When Forrester goes for medical help, he vanishes. Given the strategic value of the mineral, Scotland Yard joins the case. Their detective is murdered while searching Forrester's office in London. They dispatch Jane Morgan, an attractive agent, to Akasava to investigate. She meets and eventually joins forces with Rex, the professor's nephew who is also concerned of his fate. Someone with inside knowledge is at work. Suspicions land on Dr. Andrew Thorssen and his flirtatious wife Ingrid. Someone who also in heavily invested in finding Dr. Forrester is his friend Lord Kingsley. Finally, an important mental patient under the close but secret supervision at the asylum of Dr. Henry.
Highlights - The Devil Came from Akasava (1971)
Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - Fenix FilmCCC-Filmkunst
Produced in - GermanySpain
Available languages - German (Deutsch),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) - DE : 16
Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of The Devil Came from Akasava (1971)
Lead Actors - Fred Williams, Soledad Miranda, Horst Tappert
Writer(s) - Paul André, Arne Elsholtz, Ladislas Fodor
Director(s) - Jesús Franco
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about The Devil Came from Akasava (1971)
What is the release date of The Devil Came from Akasava (1971)?
Release date of The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) is 05-03-1971.
What is the total runtime of The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) in minutes?
Total runtime of The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) in minutes is 84 min.
What is the budget consumed to produce The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) movie?
The budget consumed to produce The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) movie is around $0.00.
How much revenue is expected from movie The Devil Came from Akasava (1971)?
Expected revenue from movie movie The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) is around $0.00.
What is the pupularity of The Devil Came from Akasava (1971)?
Worldwide pupularity of The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) movie is 1.801%.
What is the name of the production company of film The Devil Came from Akasava (1971)?
Production company of film The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) is/are Fenix Film, CCC-Filmkunst, .
Which country the film The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) is produced in?
Film production country for the film The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) is Germany, Spain, .
Which language the film The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) is produced in?
Film The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) is produced in German (Deutsch), language(s).
Which Genre the film The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) belongs to?
Movie The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) is categorized under Adventure, Thriller genre(s).
Who are the lead actors of the film The Devil Came from Akasava (1971)?
Lead actors of the film The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) are Fred Williams, Soledad Miranda, Horst Tappert.
Who is the writer of the film The Devil Came from Akasava (1971)?
The writer(s) of the film The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) is/are Paul André, Arne Elsholtz, Ladislas Fodor.
Who is the director of the film The Devil Came from Akasava (1971)?
The director(s) of the film The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) is/are Jesús Franco.
Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) movie?
Movie The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.
What is the story of The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) in-short?
Short plot of movie The Devil Came from Akasava (1971): A mineral is discovered which can turn metal to gold or humans into zombies. When the mineral is stolen, secret agents are sent in to get the mineral back!.
What is the full story of The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) movie?
Full plot of movie The Devil Came from Akasava (1971): British scientist Prof. Walter Forrester has found an intensely radioactive mineral in the Akasava jungle of South America that can purportedly transmute elements. His assistant collects a specimen in a cave, but it is stolen and the assistant suffering from a gunshot wound. When Forrester goes for medical help, he vanishes. Given the strategic value of the mineral, Scotland Yard joins the case. Their detective is murdered while searching Forrester's office in London. They dispatch Jane Morgan, an attractive agent, to Akasava to investigate. She meets and eventually joins forces with Rex, the professor's nephew who is also concerned of his fate. Someone with inside knowledge is at work. Suspicions land on Dr. Andrew Thorssen and his flirtatious wife Ingrid. Someone who also in heavily invested in finding Dr. Forrester is his friend Lord Kingsley. Finally, an important mental patient under the close but secret supervision at the asylum of Dr. Henry..
Where to find full details of The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) movie?
You can find the full details of movie The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0067846
Where to stream or watch movie The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) online?
You can stream or watch online movie The Devil Came from Akasava (1971) on Amazon Video, Google Play Movies, Alleskino, YouTube, .
List of full Starcast and crew members of The Devil Came from Akasava (1971)
Full Starcast:
Name: Fred Williams
Character: Rex ForresterName: Soledad Miranda
Character: Jane MorganName: Horst Tappert
Character: Dr. Andrew ThorrsenName: Ewa Strömberg
Character: Ingrid ThorssonName: Siegfried Schürenberg
Character: Sir PhilipName: Walter Rilla
Character: Lord KingsleyName: Blandine Ebinger
Character: Lady Abigail KingsleyName: Howard Vernon
Character: Valet HumphreyName: Paul Müller
Character: Dr. HenryName: Alberto Dalbés
Character: Irving LambertName: Jesús Franco
Character: Tino CelliName: Rudolf Hertzog
Character: InspectorName: Karl Heinz Mannchen
Character: Assistant InspectorName: Ángel Menéndez
Character: Prof. Forrester
Crew Members:
Name: Edgar Wallace
Department: Writing
Job/Role: NovelName: Artur Brauner
Department: Production
Job/Role: ProducerName: Clarissa Ambach
Department: Editing
Job/Role: EditorName: Jesús Franco
Department: Directing
Job/Role: DirectorName: Manuel Merino
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of PhotographyName: Ladislas Fodor
Department: Writing
Job/Role: ScreenplayName: Paul André
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Screenplay
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