Meteor (2021)

March 11, 2024
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Meteor (2021)    Listen Movie Details
Happiness Meter
5.5/10 55%
Average of Ratings
World Popularity
Internet Movie Database
0.0 out of 5 stars (based on 0 reviews)
Very good0%

Meteor (2021) on global platforms:

Meteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in AG country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in AO country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in AR country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in AU country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to buy on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in AU country/region to buy onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in AU country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Tubi TV   Tubi TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in AU country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to free on Plex   Plex has made Meteor (2021) movie available in AU country/region to free onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in BB country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in BM country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made Meteor (2021) movie available in BO country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in BO country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in BR country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in BR country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in BS country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in BZ country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to free on Plex   Plex has made Meteor (2021) movie available in CA country/region to free onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in CA country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Tubi TV   Tubi TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in CA country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in CL country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in CM country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made Meteor (2021) movie available in CO country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in CO country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made Meteor (2021) movie available in CR country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in CR country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in DK country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to buy on Blockbuster   Blockbuster has made Meteor (2021) movie available in DK country/region to buy onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to buy on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Meteor (2021) movie available in DK country/region to buy onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on Blockbuster   Blockbuster has made Meteor (2021) movie available in DK country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Meteor (2021) movie available in DK country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in DO country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made Meteor (2021) movie available in EC country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in EC country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to free on Plex   Plex has made Meteor (2021) movie available in ES country/region to free onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to buy on Blockbuster   Blockbuster has made Meteor (2021) movie available in FI country/region to buy onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to buy on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Meteor (2021) movie available in FI country/region to buy onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in FI country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on Blockbuster   Blockbuster has made Meteor (2021) movie available in FI country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Meteor (2021) movie available in FI country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on Telia Play   Telia Play has made Meteor (2021) movie available in FI country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to free on Plex   Plex has made Meteor (2021) movie available in FR country/region to free onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in GB country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to free on Plex   Plex has made Meteor (2021) movie available in GB country/region to free onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to buy on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in GB country/region to buy onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in GH country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in GI country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made Meteor (2021) movie available in GT country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in GT country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in GY country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made Meteor (2021) movie available in HN country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in HN country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in IE country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Tubi TV   Tubi TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in IN country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to free on Plex   Plex has made Meteor (2021) movie available in IN country/region to free onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to free on Plex   Plex has made Meteor (2021) movie available in IT country/region to free onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in JM country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in KE country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Watcha   Watcha has made Meteor (2021) movie available in KR country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in LC country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in MW country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to buy on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in MX country/region to buy onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Tubi TV   Tubi TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in MX country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made Meteor (2021) movie available in MX country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in MX country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in MX country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in MZ country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in NG country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in NI country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on meJane   meJane has made Meteor (2021) movie available in NL country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to buy on Blockbuster   Blockbuster has made Meteor (2021) movie available in NO country/region to buy onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to buy on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Meteor (2021) movie available in NO country/region to buy onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in NO country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on Blockbuster   Blockbuster has made Meteor (2021) movie available in NO country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Meteor (2021) movie available in NO country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in NZ country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made Meteor (2021) movie available in PA country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in PA country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in PE country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in PG country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in PY country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to buy on Blockbuster   Blockbuster has made Meteor (2021) movie available in SE country/region to buy onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to buy on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Meteor (2021) movie available in SE country/region to buy onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to buy on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in SE country/region to buy onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in SE country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on Blockbuster   Blockbuster has made Meteor (2021) movie available in SE country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Meteor (2021) movie available in SE country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in SE country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made Meteor (2021) movie available in SV country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in SV country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in TC country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in TT country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in UG country/region to watch/stream onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on The Roku Channel   The Roku Channel has made Meteor (2021) movie available in US country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on VUDU Free   VUDU Free has made Meteor (2021) movie available in US country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Tubi TV   Tubi TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in US country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made Meteor (2021) movie available in US country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Freevee   Freevee has made Meteor (2021) movie available in US country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in US country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to rent on Vudu   Vudu has made Meteor (2021) movie available in US country/region to rent onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to buy on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in US country/region to buy onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to buy on Vudu   Vudu has made Meteor (2021) movie available in US country/region to buy onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to free on Plex   Plex has made Meteor (2021) movie available in US country/region to free onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to free on Plex Player   Plex Player has made Meteor (2021) movie available in US country/region to free onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in UY country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to ads on Pluto TV   Pluto TV has made Meteor (2021) movie available in VE country/region to ads onlineMeteor (2021) movie is available to watch/stream on Amazon Prime Video   Amazon Prime Video has made Meteor (2021) movie available in ZA country/region to watch/stream online

Movie basic details

Current status - Released
Total runtime - 84 mins.
Release date - 01-09-2021
Release year - 2021
Genres - Science Fiction, Thriller

Overall ratings and scores for Meteor:
Happiness Score - 5.5/10, World Popularity Score - 88.6759/100, IMDB Score - 3.0, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 3.0/10, .
Meteor movie has Total Global Votes - 79, Total IMD Votes - 273

Meteor Movie Introduction: Movie Meteor, release year 2021 is written by Brett Bentman and directed by Brett Bentman. The leading star-cast in this movie are Robert Keith, Olivia Nash, Tiffany McDonald along with the other stars and crew members.

Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes

Movie overview and plot by

Movie in-short: After a meteor collides into Earth, a lonely rancher and a lost young girl are on the run from vicious mercenaries.

Movie story-line: After a meteor collides into Earth, a lonely rancher and a lost young girl are on the run from vicious mercenaries.

Movie synopsis: After a meteor collides into Earth, a lonely rancher and a lost young girl are on the run from vicious mercenaries.

Highlights - Meteor (2021)

Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - B22 FilmsITN Studios
Produced in - United States of America
Available languages -
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) -

Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Meteor (2021)

Lead Actors - Robert Keith, Olivia Nash, Tiffany McDonald
Writer(s) - Brett Bentman
Director(s) - Brett Bentman

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Meteor (2021)

What is the release date of Meteor (2021)?
Release date of Meteor (2021) is 01-09-2021.

What is the total runtime of Meteor (2021) in minutes?
Total runtime of Meteor (2021) in minutes is 84 min.

What is the budget consumed to produce Meteor (2021) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Meteor (2021) movie is around $0.00.

How much revenue is expected from movie Meteor (2021)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Meteor (2021) is around $0.00.

What is the pupularity of Meteor (2021)?
Worldwide pupularity of Meteor (2021) movie is 88.6759%.

What is the name of the production company of film Meteor (2021)?
Production company of film Meteor (2021) is/are B22 Films, ITN Studios, .

Which country the film Meteor (2021) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Meteor (2021) is United States of America, .

Which language the film Meteor (2021) is produced in?
Film Meteor (2021) is produced in language(s).

Which Genre the film Meteor (2021) belongs to?
Movie Meteor (2021) is categorized under Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller genre(s).

Who are the lead actors of the film Meteor (2021)?
Lead actors of the film Meteor (2021) are Robert Keith, Olivia Nash, Tiffany McDonald.

Who is the writer of the film Meteor (2021)?
The writer(s) of the film Meteor (2021) is/are Brett Bentman.

Who is the director of the film Meteor (2021)?
The director(s) of the film Meteor (2021) is/are Brett Bentman.

Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Meteor (2021) movie?
Movie Meteor (2021) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.

What is the story of Meteor (2021) in-short?
Short plot of movie Meteor (2021): After a meteor collides into Earth, a lonely rancher and a lost young girl are on the run from vicious mercenaries..

What is the full story of Meteor (2021) movie?
Full plot of movie Meteor (2021): After a meteor collides into Earth, a lonely rancher and a lost young girl are on the run from vicious mercenaries..

Where to find full details of Meteor (2021) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Meteor (2021) at

Where to stream or watch movie Meteor (2021) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Meteor (2021) on Amazon Prime Video, Pluto TV, Amazon Video, Tubi TV, Plex, VIX , Blockbuster, SF Anytime, Telia Play, Watcha, meJane, The Roku Channel, VUDU Free, Freevee, Plex Player, .

List of full Starcast and crew members of Meteor (2021)

Full Starcast:

profie photo of Robert KeithName: Robert Keith
Character: Liam Marshall

profie photo of Olivia NashName: Olivia Nash
Character: Hanna

profie photo of Thom HallumName: Thom Hallum
Character: Zephyr

profie photo of Allyn CarrellName: Allyn Carrell
Character: Dr. Tracey

profie photo of Jordan Walker RossName: Jordan Walker Ross
Character: Charlotte Marshall

Crew Members:

profie photo of Nicole HollandName: Nicole Holland
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive Producer

profie photo of Stuart AlsonName: Stuart Alson
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive Producer

profie photo of Brett BentmanName: Brett Bentman
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Director

profie photo of Brett BentmanName: Brett Bentman
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Writer

profie photo of Anthony GutierrezName: Anthony Gutierrez
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Cinematography

profie photo of Tiffany McDonaldName: Tiffany McDonald
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Jeff HammName: Jeff Hamm
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Editor

Movie Posters and Wallapapers - Meteor (2021)

movie poster 870404tt14174506-1movie poster 870404tt14174506-2movie poster 870404tt14174506-3movie poster 870404tt14174506-4movie poster 870404tt14174506-5movie poster 870404tt14174506-6movie poster 870404tt14174506-7movie poster 870404tt14174506-8

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