Black Lotus (2023)

November 14, 2023
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Black Lotus (2023)    Listen Movie Details
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5.7/10 57%
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Black Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on TOD   TOD has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AE country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AT country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AT country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Magenta TV   Magenta TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AT country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AT country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AT country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Microsoft Store   Microsoft Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AT country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on maxdome Store   maxdome Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AT country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Sky Store   Sky Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AT country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AT country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AT country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in 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Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AU country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on YouTube   YouTube has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AU country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Telstra TV   Telstra TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AU country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Fetch TV   Fetch TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AU country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AU country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in AU country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in 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Play   Yelo Play has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in BE country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in BE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in BE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in BE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in BH country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on TOD   TOD has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in BH country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on blue TV   blue TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie 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rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in CH country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Microsoft Store   Microsoft Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in CH country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in CH country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on ShowMax   ShowMax has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in CI country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on ShowMax   ShowMax has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in CM country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on YouTube   YouTube has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Sky Store   Sky Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on maxdome Store   maxdome Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on MagentaTV   MagentaTV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Microsoft Store   Microsoft Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on YouTube   YouTube has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Sky Store   Sky Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on maxdome Store   maxdome Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on MagentaTV   MagentaTV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Microsoft Store   Microsoft Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Viaplay   Viaplay has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DK country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DK country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DK country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DK country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DK country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Viaplay   Viaplay has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DK country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DK country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DK country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DK country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DK country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on TOD   TOD has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in DZ country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in EG country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in EG country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on TOD   TOD has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in EG country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Viaplay   Viaplay has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in FI country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in FI country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is 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movie available in FI country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in FI country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in FR country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Microsoft Store   Microsoft Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in FR country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on YouTube   YouTube has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in FR country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Cinemas a la Demande   Cinemas a la Demande has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in FR country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in FR country/region to rent 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Microsoft Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in GB country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on YouTube   YouTube has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in GB country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in GB country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in GB country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in GB country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in GB country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Sky Store   Sky Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in GB country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Microsoft Store   Microsoft Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in GB country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on YouTube   YouTube has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in GB country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in GB country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on ShowMax   ShowMax has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in GH country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on ShowMax   ShowMax has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in GQ country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in IE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in IE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in IE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Microsoft Store   Microsoft Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in IE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in IE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in IE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in IE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Microsoft Store   Microsoft Store has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in IE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on Lionsgate Play   Lionsgate Play has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in IN country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on TOD   TOD has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in IQ country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on TOD   TOD has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in JO country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in JO country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on ShowMax   ShowMax has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in KE country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in KW country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on TOD   TOD has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in KW country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in LB country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in LU country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in LU country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on TOD   TOD has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in LY country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on TOD   TOD has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in MA country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on ShowMax   ShowMax has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in MG country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on ShowMax   ShowMax has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in ML country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on ShowMax   ShowMax has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in MU country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on ShowMax   ShowMax has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in MZ country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on ShowMax   ShowMax has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NE country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on ShowMax   ShowMax has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NG country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NL country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on KPN   KPN has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NL country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Pathé Thuis   Pathé Thuis has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NL country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NL country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NL country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NL country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NL country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Pathé Thuis   Pathé Thuis has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NL country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NL country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NL country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NL country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NL country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Viaplay   Viaplay has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NO country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NO country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NO country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NO country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NO country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on TV 2 Play   TV 2 Play has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NO country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Viaplay   Viaplay has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NO country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NO country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NO country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NO country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NO country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NZ country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in NZ country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on TOD   TOD has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in OM country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to 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Black Lotus (2023) movie available in SA country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on ShowMax   ShowMax has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in SC country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Viaplay   Viaplay has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in SE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in SE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in SE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in SE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to rent on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in SE country/region to rent onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Viaplay   Viaplay has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in SE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Apple TV   Apple TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in SE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in SE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in SE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to buy on SF Anytime   SF Anytime has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in SE country/region to buy onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on ShowMax   ShowMax has made Black Lotus (2023) movie available in SN country/region to watch/stream onlineBlack Lotus (2023) movie is available to watch/stream on ShowMax   ShowMax 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Movie basic details

Current status - Released
Total runtime - 93 mins.
Release date - 12-04-2023
Release year - 2023
Genres - Action, Crime, Mystery, Thriller

Overall ratings and scores for Black Lotus:
Happiness Score - 5.7/10, World Popularity Score - 32.189/100, IMDB Score - 4.2, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 4.2/10, .
Black Lotus movie has Total Global Votes - 22, Total IMD Votes - 1,371

Black Lotus Movie Introduction: Movie Black Lotus, release year 2023 is written by Tad Daggerhart and directed by Todor Chapkanov. The leading star-cast in this movie are Rico Verhoeven, Frank Grillo, Marie Dompnier along with the other stars and crew members.

Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes

Official Trailer

Movie overview and plot by

Movie in-short: An ex-special forces operative wages a one man war through the streets of Amsterdam to rescue his friend's daughter from the local crime syndicate.

Movie story-line: An ex-special forces operative wages a one man war through the streets of Amsterdam to rescue his friend's daughter from the local crime syndicate.

Movie synopsis: An ex-special forces operative wages a one man war through the streets of Amsterdam to rescue his friend's daughter from the local crime syndicate.

Highlights - Black Lotus (2023)

Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - Capstone Pictures
Produced in - BulgariaNetherlandsUnited Kingdom
Available languages - English (English),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) - DE : 16 DE : 16 FR : 15 IL : N-16 LT : 16 NL : 18+

Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Black Lotus (2023)

Lead Actors - Rico Verhoeven, Frank Grillo, Marie Dompnier
Writer(s) - Tad Daggerhart
Director(s) - Todor Chapkanov

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Black Lotus (2023)

What is the release date of Black Lotus (2023)?
Release date of Black Lotus (2023) is 12-04-2023.

What is the total runtime of Black Lotus (2023) in minutes?
Total runtime of Black Lotus (2023) in minutes is 90 min.

What is the budget consumed to produce Black Lotus (2023) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Black Lotus (2023) movie is around $0.00.

How much revenue is expected from movie Black Lotus (2023)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Black Lotus (2023) is around $0.00.

What is the pupularity of Black Lotus (2023)?
Worldwide pupularity of Black Lotus (2023) movie is 32.189%.

What is the name of the production company of film Black Lotus (2023)?
Production company of film Black Lotus (2023) is/are Capstone Pictures, .

Which country the film Black Lotus (2023) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Black Lotus (2023) is Bulgaria, Netherlands, United Kingdom, .

Which language the film Black Lotus (2023) is produced in?
Film Black Lotus (2023) is produced in English (English), language(s).

Which Genre the film Black Lotus (2023) belongs to?
Movie Black Lotus (2023) is categorized under Action, Thriller genre(s).

Who are the lead actors of the film Black Lotus (2023)?
Lead actors of the film Black Lotus (2023) are Rico Verhoeven, Frank Grillo, Marie Dompnier.

Who is the writer of the film Black Lotus (2023)?
The writer(s) of the film Black Lotus (2023) is/are Tad Daggerhart.

Who is the director of the film Black Lotus (2023)?
The director(s) of the film Black Lotus (2023) is/are Todor Chapkanov.

Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Black Lotus (2023) movie?
Movie Black Lotus (2023) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.

What is the story of Black Lotus (2023) in-short?
Short plot of movie Black Lotus (2023): An ex-special forces operative wages a one man war through the streets of Amsterdam to rescue his friend's daughter from the local crime syndicate..

What is the full story of Black Lotus (2023) movie?
Full plot of movie Black Lotus (2023): An ex-special forces operative wages a one man war through the streets of Amsterdam to rescue his friend's daughter from the local crime syndicate..

Where to find full details of Black Lotus (2023) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Black Lotus (2023) at

Where to stream or watch movie Black Lotus (2023) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Black Lotus (2023) on Google Play Movies, TOD, Amazon Video, Apple TV, Magenta TV, Rakuten TV, Microsoft Store, maxdome Store, Sky Store, YouTube, Telstra TV, Fetch TV, Yelo Play, blue TV, ShowMax, MagentaTV, Viaplay, SF Anytime, Cinemas a la Demande, Lionsgate Play, KPN, Pathé Thuis, TV 2 Play, Wink, Vudu, Redbox, DIRECTV, .

List of full Starcast and crew members of Black Lotus (2023)

Full Starcast:

profie photo of Rico VerhoevenName: Rico Verhoeven
Character: Matteo Donner

profie photo of Frank GrilloName: Frank Grillo
Character: Saban

profie photo of Peter FranzénName: Peter Franzén
Character: Paul

profie photo of Roland MøllerName: Roland Møller
Character: John

profie photo of Magnus SamuelssonName: Magnus Samuelsson
Character: Ber

profie photo of Rona-Lee Shim'onName: Rona-Lee Shim'on
Character: Shira

profie photo of Kevin JanssensName: Kevin Janssens
Character: Fischer

profie photo of Marie DompnierName: Marie Dompnier
Character: Helene

profie photo of Simon WanName: Simon Wan
Character: Lo

profie photo of Hristo PetkovName: Hristo Petkov
Character: Zeeb

profie photo of Edon RizvanolliName: Edon Rizvanolli
Character: Roman

profie photo of Pippi CaseyName: Pippi Casey
Character: Angie

Crew Members:

profie photo of Todor ChapkanovName: Todor Chapkanov
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Director

profie photo of Ivan MitovName: Ivan Mitov
Department: Directing
Job/Role: First Assistant Director

profie photo of Martina FehmerName: Martina Fehmer
Department: Costume & Make-Up
Job/Role: Costume Designer

profie photo of Tom de MolName: Tom de Mol
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Rico VerhoevenName: Rico Verhoeven
Department: Production
Job/Role: Co-Producer

profie photo of Christian MercuriName: Christian Mercuri
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Yariv LernerName: Yariv Lerner
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive Producer

profie photo of Yanko UshatovName: Yanko Ushatov
Department: Production
Job/Role: Line Producer

profie photo of Betty PostName: Betty Post
Department: Production
Job/Role: Additional Casting

profie photo of Ivan VatsovName: Ivan Vatsov
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of Photography

profie photo of Monique van der WaalsName: Monique van der Waals
Department: Production
Job/Role: Line Producer

profie photo of Bouk BouwmeesterName: Bouk Bouwmeester
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Sound Designer

profie photo of Jeffrey de VoreName: Jeffrey de Vore
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Editor

profie photo of Willem PruijssersName: Willem Pruijssers
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive Producer

profie photo of Marcel de BlockName: Marcel de Block
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Erik van WegenName: Erik van Wegen
Department: Production
Job/Role: Post Producer

profie photo of Roel GommansName: Roel Gommans
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Music

profie photo of Jules ReiversName: Jules Reivers
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Music

profie photo of Jason CarpenterName: Jason Carpenter
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive Producer

profie photo of Katy CovellName: Katy Covell
Department: Production
Job/Role: Casting

profie photo of Ollie GilbertName: Ollie Gilbert
Department: Production
Job/Role: Casting

profie photo of Preslava HristovaName: Preslava Hristova
Department: Production
Job/Role: Additional Casting

profie photo of Aniek van HeerenName: Aniek van Heeren
Department: Directing
Job/Role: First Assistant Director

profie photo of Bohos TopakbashianName: Bohos Topakbashian
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Editor

profie photo of Roman ViarisName: Roman Viaris
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive Producer

profie photo of Tad DaggerhartName: Tad Daggerhart
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive Producer

profie photo of Tad DaggerhartName: Tad Daggerhart
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Writer

profie photo of Wendy DriesName: Wendy Dries
Department: Art
Job/Role: Production Design

profie photo of Remke van ApeldoornName: Remke van Apeldoorn
Department: Art
Job/Role: Production Design

profie photo of Roumian DimitrovName: Roumian Dimitrov
Department: Art
Job/Role: Production Design

profie photo of Kim TimmersName: Kim Timmers
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer's Assistant

profie photo of Hanna BurkhardtName: Hanna Burkhardt
Department: Production
Job/Role: Production Manager

profie photo of Rick WorstName: Rick Worst
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive Producer

profie photo of Tim HardeveldName: Tim Hardeveld
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive Producer

profie photo of René van TurnhoutName: René van Turnhout
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive Producer

Movie Posters and Wallapapers - Black Lotus (2023)

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