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Movie basic details
Current status - Released
Total runtime - 118 mins.
Release date - 10-12-2015
Release year - 2015
Genres - Fantasy, Horror, Romance
Overall ratings and scores for Alice: Boy from Wonderland:
Happiness Score - 7.9/10, World Popularity Score - 5.146/100, IMDB Score - 5.8, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 5.8/10, .
Alice: Boy from Wonderland movie has Total Global Votes - 34, Total IMD Votes - 271
Alice: Boy from Wonderland Movie Introduction: Movie Alice: Boy from Wonderland, release year 2015 is written by Eunhee Huh and directed by Eunhee Huh. The leading star-cast in this movie are Jong-Hyun Hong, Yeon-joo Jung, Go-Eun Lee along with the other stars and crew members.
Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes
Movie overview and plot by Anagha Shashank
Movie in-short: Hye(Female, 27) has suffered from severe nightmares since she was a child. They actually happens in reality and finally endanger her life. According to a shaman's advice, she decides to return a private resort called 'Wonderland'....
Movie story-line: Hye-Joong (Jung So-Min) can't remember anything before the age of 4. Every night she experiences terrible nightmares. Unable to cope with the nightmares anymore, she heeds the advice of a shaman and goes back to the villa where her family stayed 24 years ago. The villa is now known as "Wonderland." There, she meets Hwan (Hong Jong-Hyun), Soo-Ryun (Jung Yeon-Joo) and a white rabbit. During the next 15 days, Hye-Joong has to find something that is missing. If she succeeds her nightmares will stop.
Movie synopsis: Hye(Female, 27) has suffered from severe nightmares since she was a child. They actually happens in reality and finally endanger her life. According to a shaman's advice, she decides to return a private resort called 'Wonderland'. It was the summer villa for her family 24 years ago. There are a mysterious and enchanting man, Hwan(24), a beautiful woman, Sue(25), and a white rabbit, Myo-doll, waiting for her. Within 15 days in Wonderland, she should find what she lost to stop her nightmares. If she can't everybody will die.
Highlights - Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015)
Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $1,000.00
Produced by - ㈜안다미로(주)유비콘텐츠(주)유비컬쳐
Produced in - South Korea
Available languages - Korean (한국어/조선말),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - 1 win
Certificate(s) -
Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015)
Lead Actors - Jong-Hyun Hong, Yeon-joo Jung, Go-Eun Lee
Writer(s) - Eunhee Huh
Director(s) - Eunhee Huh
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015)
What is the release date of Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015)?
Release date of Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) is 10-12-2015.
What is the total runtime of Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) in minutes?
Total runtime of Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) in minutes is 122 min.
What is the budget consumed to produce Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) movie is around $0.00.
How much revenue is expected from movie Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) is around $1,000.00.
What is the pupularity of Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015)?
Worldwide pupularity of Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) movie is 5.146%.
What is the name of the production company of film Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015)?
Production company of film Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) is/are ㈜안다미로, (주)유비콘텐츠, (주)유비컬쳐, .
Which country the film Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) is South Korea, .
Which language the film Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) is produced in?
Film Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) is produced in Korean (한국어/조선말), language(s).
Which Genre the film Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) belongs to?
Movie Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) is categorized under Fantasy, Horror, Mystery genre(s).
Who are the lead actors of the film Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015)?
Lead actors of the film Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) are Jong-Hyun Hong, Yeon-joo Jung, Go-Eun Lee.
Who is the writer of the film Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015)?
The writer(s) of the film Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) is/are Eunhee Huh.
Who is the director of the film Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015)?
The director(s) of the film Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) is/are Eunhee Huh.
Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) movie?
Movie Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) has 1 win awards and nomination in it's profile.
What is the story of Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) in-short?
Short plot of movie Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015): Hye(Female, 27) has suffered from severe nightmares since she was a child. They actually happens in reality and finally endanger her life. According to a shaman's advice, she decides to return a private resort called 'Wonderland'.....
What is the full story of Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) movie?
Full plot of movie Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015): Hye(Female, 27) has suffered from severe nightmares since she was a child. They actually happens in reality and finally endanger her life. According to a shaman's advice, she decides to return a private resort called 'Wonderland'. It was the summer villa for her family 24 years ago. There are a mysterious and enchanting man, Hwan(24), a beautiful woman, Sue(25), and a white rabbit, Myo-doll, waiting for her. Within 15 days in Wonderland, she should find what she lost to stop her nightmares. If she can't everybody will die..
Where to find full details of Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4584814
Where to stream or watch movie Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015) on AsianCrush, Tubi TV, Naver Store, Apple iTunes, Amazon Video, .
List of full Starcast and crew members of Alice: Boy from Wonderland (2015)
Full Starcast:
Name: Hong Jong-hyun
Character: HwanName: Jung So-min
Character: Hye JungName: Jeong Yeon-joo
Character: Soo RyeonName: Park Hyun-suk
Character: Name: Lee Seung-yeon
Character: Name: Seo Gap-suk
Character: Name: Jang Seo-won
Character: Name: Lee Go-eun
Crew Members:
Name: Huh Eun-hee
Department: Directing
Job/Role: DirectorName: Huh Eun-hee
Department: Writing
Job/Role: WriterName: Park Se-young
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Editor
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