A Play for a Passenger (1995)

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Pesa dlya passazhira (1995)    Listen Movie Details
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Movie basic details

Current status - Released
Total runtime - 103 mins.
Release date - 09-02-1995
Release year - 1995
Genres - Drama

Overall ratings and scores for Pesa dlya passazhira:
Happiness Score - 1/10, World Popularity Score - 0.822/100, IMDB Score - 6.8, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 6.8/10, .
Pesa dlya passazhira movie has Total Global Votes - 1, Total IMD Votes - 83

Pesa dlya passazhira Movie Introduction: Movie Pesa dlya passazhira, release year 1995 is written by Aleksandr Mindadze and directed by Vadim Abdrashitov. The leading star-cast in this movie are Sergey Makovetskiy, Igor Livanov, Yury Belyayev along with the other stars and crew members.

Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes

Movie overview and plot by

Movie in-short: While on his honeymoon, a man sees a judge who sentenced him to seven years in jail and begins plotting his revenge.

Movie story-line: A man's thoughts of revenge turn to thoughts of reconciliation as he comes to know his intended victim a little better. The story is set in contemporary Russia following the destruction of the Communist regime.

Movie synopsis: Former convict meets the judge who framed him. Sense of injustice exists in the hero and wakens revenge in his heart. For the sake of idea he is ready to sacrifice his business, wife and friend. The sophisticated game he started comes to a tragic end for him and late recovery of sight for the judge.

Highlights - Pesa dlya passazhira (1995)

Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - ARK-Film
Produced in - Russia
Available languages - Russian (Pусский),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - 2 wins & 4 nominations
Certificate(s) -

Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Pesa dlya passazhira (1995)

Lead Actors - Sergey Makovetskiy, Igor Livanov, Yury Belyayev
Writer(s) - Aleksandr Mindadze
Director(s) - Vadim Abdrashitov

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Pesa dlya passazhira (1995)

What is the release date of Pesa dlya passazhira (1995)?
Release date of Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) is 09-02-1995.

What is the total runtime of Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) in minutes?
Total runtime of Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) in minutes is 103 min.

What is the budget consumed to produce Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) movie is around $0.00.

How much revenue is expected from movie Pesa dlya passazhira (1995)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) is around $0.00.

What is the pupularity of Pesa dlya passazhira (1995)?
Worldwide pupularity of Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) movie is 0.822%.

What is the name of the production company of film Pesa dlya passazhira (1995)?
Production company of film Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) is/are ARK-Film, .

Which country the film Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) is Russia, .

Which language the film Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) is produced in?
Film Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) is produced in Russian (Pусский), language(s).

Which Genre the film Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) belongs to?
Movie Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) is categorized under Drama genre(s).

Who are the lead actors of the film Pesa dlya passazhira (1995)?
Lead actors of the film Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) are Sergey Makovetskiy, Igor Livanov, Yury Belyayev.

Who is the writer of the film Pesa dlya passazhira (1995)?
The writer(s) of the film Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) is/are Aleksandr Mindadze.

Who is the director of the film Pesa dlya passazhira (1995)?
The director(s) of the film Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) is/are Vadim Abdrashitov.

Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) movie?
Movie Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) has 2 wins & 4 nominations awards and nomination in it's profile.

What is the story of Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) in-short?
Short plot of movie Pesa dlya passazhira (1995): While on his honeymoon, a man sees a judge who sentenced him to seven years in jail and begins plotting his revenge..

What is the full story of Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) movie?
Full plot of movie Pesa dlya passazhira (1995): Former convict meets the judge who framed him. Sense of injustice exists in the hero and wakens revenge in his heart. For the sake of idea he is ready to sacrifice his business, wife and friend. The sophisticated game he started comes to a tragic end for him and late recovery of sight for the judge..

Where to find full details of Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114207

Where to stream or watch movie Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Pesa dlya passazhira (1995) on .

List of full Starcast and crew members of Pesa dlya passazhira (1995)

Full Starcast:

profie photo of Sergei MakovetskyName: Sergei Makovetsky

profie photo of Igor LivanovName: Igor Livanov

profie photo of Yuri BelyayevName: Yuri Belyayev

profie photo of Irina SidorovaName: Irina Sidorova

profie photo of Oksana MysinaName: Oksana Mysina

profie photo of Ervand ArzumanyanName: Ervand Arzumanyan

profie photo of Lyubov GermanovaName: Lyubov Germanova

profie photo of Aleksandra DorokhinaName: Aleksandra Dorokhina

profie photo of Nelli NevedinaName: Nelli Nevedina

profie photo of Albert KasparyancName: Albert Kasparyanc

Crew Members:

profie photo of Yuriy NevskiyName: Yuriy Nevskiy
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of Photography

profie photo of Aleksandr MindadzeName: Aleksandr Mindadze
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Screenplay

profie photo of Vadim AbdrashitovName: Vadim Abdrashitov
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Director

profie photo of Viktor LebedevName: Viktor Lebedev
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Original Music Composer

profie photo of Roza RogatkinaName: Roza Rogatkina
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Editor

profie photo of Sergey BaevName: Sergey Baev
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Aleksandr TolkachovName: Aleksandr Tolkachov
Department: Art
Job/Role: Production Design

Movie Posters and Wallapapers - Pesa dlya passazhira (1995)

movie poster 263238tt0114207-1

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