Movie basic details
Current status - Released
Total runtime - 125 mins.
Release date - 11-03-2022
Release year - 2022
Genres - Adventure, Fantasy
Overall ratings and scores for The Cherry Bushido:
Happiness Score - 1/10, World Popularity Score - 1.2/100, IMDB Score - N/A, Metascore - N/A, .
The Cherry Bushido movie has Total Global Votes - 1, Total IMD Votes - N/A
The Cherry Bushido Movie Introduction: Movie The Cherry Bushido, release year 2022 is written by Sayaka Okawa, Ryuho Okawa and directed by Hiroshi Akabane. The leading star-cast in this movie are Fumika Shimizu, Hiroaki Tanaka, Rin Kijima along with the other stars and crew members.
Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes
Movie overview and plot by Anagha Shashank
Movie in-short: Shizuka, a college student, is recruited by a group named the "Japan Salvation Conference" for a mission. She and her pals leave their astral bodies and head for the spirit world to face the Great Demon of Hades that aims to destr...
Movie story-line: Shizuka, a college student, is recruited by a group named the "Japan Salvation Conference" for a mission. She and her pals leave their astral bodies and head for the spirit world to face the Great Demon of Hades that aims to destroy Japan.
Movie synopsis: Shizuka is a college student with a strong sense of justice and a patriotic spirit. She is looking for a job, but she is secretly wishing to take over the dojo owned by her father, Shingen. One day, Shizuka is scouted by an entertainment agency, but in fact, it was a non-profit organization which was run by a group called the "Japan Salvation Conference (JSC)." The head of JSC, Satoshi tells her about the divine revelation that Japan may face its extinction in the 21st century. Shizuka joins the JSC and after undergoing rigorous spiritual training under the guidance of Satoshi, Shizuka decides to go on a special mission to save Japan from its crisis. Shizuka and her pals leave their astral bodies and head for the spirit world to defeat the Great Demon of Hades, a demon with an aim to destroy Japan. Will they be able to save Japan?
Highlights - The Cherry Bushido (2022)
Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by -
Produced in - Japan
Available languages - Japanese (日本語),
Homepage URL - https://cherrybushidomovie.com/
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) -
Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of The Cherry Bushido (2022)
Lead Actors - Fumika Shimizu, Hiroaki Tanaka, Rin Kijima
Writer(s) - Sayaka Okawa, Ryuho Okawa
Director(s) - Hiroshi Akabane
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about The Cherry Bushido (2022)
What is the release date of The Cherry Bushido (2022)?
Release date of The Cherry Bushido (2022) is 11-03-2022.
What is the total runtime of The Cherry Bushido (2022) in minutes?
Total runtime of The Cherry Bushido (2022) in minutes is 125 min.
What is the budget consumed to produce The Cherry Bushido (2022) movie?
The budget consumed to produce The Cherry Bushido (2022) movie is around $0.00.
How much revenue is expected from movie The Cherry Bushido (2022)?
Expected revenue from movie movie The Cherry Bushido (2022) is around $0.00.
What is the pupularity of The Cherry Bushido (2022)?
Worldwide pupularity of The Cherry Bushido (2022) movie is 1.2%.
What is the name of the production company of film The Cherry Bushido (2022)?
Production company of film The Cherry Bushido (2022) is/are .
Which country the film The Cherry Bushido (2022) is produced in?
Film production country for the film The Cherry Bushido (2022) is Japan, .
Which language the film The Cherry Bushido (2022) is produced in?
Film The Cherry Bushido (2022) is produced in Japanese (日本語), language(s).
Which Genre the film The Cherry Bushido (2022) belongs to?
Movie The Cherry Bushido (2022) is categorized under Drama, Fantasy genre(s).
Who are the lead actors of the film The Cherry Bushido (2022)?
Lead actors of the film The Cherry Bushido (2022) are Fumika Shimizu, Hiroaki Tanaka, Rin Kijima.
Who is the writer of the film The Cherry Bushido (2022)?
The writer(s) of the film The Cherry Bushido (2022) is/are Sayaka Okawa, Ryuho Okawa.
Who is the director of the film The Cherry Bushido (2022)?
The director(s) of the film The Cherry Bushido (2022) is/are Hiroshi Akabane.
Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by The Cherry Bushido (2022) movie?
Movie The Cherry Bushido (2022) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.
What is the story of The Cherry Bushido (2022) in-short?
Short plot of movie The Cherry Bushido (2022): Shizuka, a college student, is recruited by a group named the "Japan Salvation Conference" for a mission. She and her pals leave their astral bodies and head for the spirit world to face the Great Demon of Hades that aims to destr....
What is the full story of The Cherry Bushido (2022) movie?
Full plot of movie The Cherry Bushido (2022): Shizuka is a college student with a strong sense of justice and a patriotic spirit. She is looking for a job, but she is secretly wishing to take over the dojo owned by her father, Shingen. One day, Shizuka is scouted by an entertainment agency, but in fact, it was a non-profit organization which was run by a group called the "Japan Salvation Conference (JSC)." The head of JSC, Satoshi tells her about the divine revelation that Japan may face its extinction in the 21st century. Shizuka joins the JSC and after undergoing rigorous spiritual training under the guidance of Satoshi, Shizuka decides to go on a special mission to save Japan from its crisis. Shizuka and her pals leave their astral bodies and head for the spirit world to defeat the Great Demon of Hades, a demon with an aim to destroy Japan. Will they be able to save Japan?.
Where to find full details of The Cherry Bushido (2022) movie?
You can find the full details of movie The Cherry Bushido (2022) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18363692
Where to stream or watch movie The Cherry Bushido (2022) online?
You can stream or watch online movie The Cherry Bushido (2022) on .
List of full Starcast and crew members of The Cherry Bushido (2022)
Full Starcast:
Name: Fumika Shimizu
Character: Shizuka YamatoName: Hiroaki Tanaka
Character: Satoshi TakayamaName: Rin Kijima
Character: Saika LeeName: Rina Narita
Character: Michi HinoName: Ryoma Ichihara
Character: Ryotaro KamitaniName: Ryo Aoki
Character: Ryo AnzaiName: Kiyoshi Nakajo
Character: Yoshihiro NambaName: Tomiyuki Kunihiro
Character: Yukio KamitaniName: Tokuma Nishioka
Character: Shingen YamatoName: Ryuji Kasahara
Character: The Great Demon of Hades
Crew Members:
Name: Ryuuhou Ookawa
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive ProducerName: Ichirô Kojima
Department: Production
Job/Role: ProducerName: Yuuichi Mizusawa
Department: Sound
Job/Role: MusicName: Nobutake Yamamoto
Department: Art
Job/Role: Production DesignName: Takao Arai
Department: Editing
Job/Role: EditorName: Koichi Kimura
Department: Crew
Job/Role: CinematographyName: Hiroshi Akabane
Department: Directing
Job/Role: DirectorName: Takeyuki Kitaya
Department: Art
Job/Role: Art DirectionName: Sayaka Okawa
Department: Writing
Job/Role: WriterName: Mia Tomikawa
Department: Production
Job/Role: ProducerName: Yoichi Utebi
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer
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