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![Arabesk (1989) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies Arabesk (1989) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w45/tbEdFQDwx5LEVr8WpSeXQSIirVq.jpg)
Movie basic details
Current status - Released
Total runtime - 105 mins.
Release date - 01-02-1989
Release year - 1989
Genres - Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Music
Overall ratings and scores for Arabesk:
Happiness Score - 7.386/10, World Popularity Score - 3.191/100, IMDB Score - 8.0, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 8.0/10, .
Arabesk movie has Total Global Votes - 44, Total IMD Votes - 8,019
Arabesk Movie Introduction: Movie Arabesk, release year 1989 is written by Gani Müjde and directed by Ertem Egilmez. The leading star-cast in this movie are Sener Sen, Müjde Ar, Ugur Yücel along with the other stars and crew members.
Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes
Movie overview and plot by Anagha Shashank
Movie in-short: This is the tragicomic story of two lovers who cannot ever get together. Sener is the son of a simple family in the village and he is in love with the village headman's daughter Mujde. Kaya is also in love with Mujde. With Kaya's ...
Movie story-line: This is the tragicomic story of two lovers who cannot ever get together.
Movie synopsis: This is the tragicomic story of two lovers who cannot ever get together. Sener is the son of a simple family in the village and he is in love with the village headman's daughter Mujde. Kaya is also in love with Mujde. With Kaya's misleading, Mujde's father is against her marriage with Sener and does everything to prevent it. Sener goes to Istanbul and becomes a famous singer, Mujde follows him. Sener gets blind in an accident, and Mujde gets blind as he is cured. Sener gets amnesia, though he marries Mujde and gets healed. One mishap follows the other.. They come together, get separated, and reunite.. The mishaps go on till they get old and die.. They hope to reunite in the life after death, yet there too Kaya is waiting for them..
Highlights - Arabesk (1989)
Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - Arzu FilmErler Film
Produced in - Turkey
Available languages - Turkish (Türkçe),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - 4 wins
Certificate(s) -
Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Arabesk (1989)
Lead Actors - Sener Sen, Müjde Ar, Ugur Yücel
Writer(s) - Gani Müjde
Director(s) - Ertem Egilmez
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Arabesk (1989)
What is the release date of Arabesk (1989)?
Release date of Arabesk (1989) is 01-02-1989.
What is the total runtime of Arabesk (1989) in minutes?
Total runtime of Arabesk (1989) in minutes is 92 min.
What is the budget consumed to produce Arabesk (1989) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Arabesk (1989) movie is around $0.00.
How much revenue is expected from movie Arabesk (1989)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Arabesk (1989) is around $0.00.
What is the pupularity of Arabesk (1989)?
Worldwide pupularity of Arabesk (1989) movie is 3.191%.
What is the name of the production company of film Arabesk (1989)?
Production company of film Arabesk (1989) is/are Arzu Film, Erler Film, .
Which country the film Arabesk (1989) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Arabesk (1989) is Turkey, .
Which language the film Arabesk (1989) is produced in?
Film Arabesk (1989) is produced in Turkish (Türkçe), language(s).
Which Genre the film Arabesk (1989) belongs to?
Movie Arabesk (1989) is categorized under Comedy, Musical genre(s).
Who are the lead actors of the film Arabesk (1989)?
Lead actors of the film Arabesk (1989) are Sener Sen, Müjde Ar, Ugur Yücel.
Who is the writer of the film Arabesk (1989)?
The writer(s) of the film Arabesk (1989) is/are Gani Müjde.
Who is the director of the film Arabesk (1989)?
The director(s) of the film Arabesk (1989) is/are Ertem Egilmez.
Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Arabesk (1989) movie?
Movie Arabesk (1989) has 4 wins awards and nomination in it's profile.
What is the story of Arabesk (1989) in-short?
Short plot of movie Arabesk (1989): This is the tragicomic story of two lovers who cannot ever get together. Sener is the son of a simple family in the village and he is in love with the village headman's daughter Mujde. Kaya is also in love with Mujde. With Kaya's ....
What is the full story of Arabesk (1989) movie?
Full plot of movie Arabesk (1989): This is the tragicomic story of two lovers who cannot ever get together. Sener is the son of a simple family in the village and he is in love with the village headman's daughter Mujde. Kaya is also in love with Mujde. With Kaya's misleading, Mujde's father is against her marriage with Sener and does everything to prevent it. Sener goes to Istanbul and becomes a famous singer, Mujde follows him. Sener gets blind in an accident, and Mujde gets blind as he is cured. Sener gets amnesia, though he marries Mujde and gets healed. One mishap follows the other.. They come together, get separated, and reunite.. The mishaps go on till they get old and die.. They hope to reunite in the life after death, yet there too Kaya is waiting for them...
Where to find full details of Arabesk (1989) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Arabesk (1989) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0263065
Where to stream or watch movie Arabesk (1989) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Arabesk (1989) on Google Play Movies, .
List of full Starcast and crew members of Arabesk (1989)
Full Starcast:
Name: Müjde Ar
Character: MüjdeName: Şener Şen
Character: ŞenerName: Uğur Yücel
Character: EkremName: Necati Bilgiç
Character: KayaName: Orhan Çağman
Character: MünirName: Doğu Erkan
Character: Müjde'nin AnnesiName: Rasim Öztekin
Character: Hasta
Crew Members:
Name: Ertem Eğilmez
Department: Directing
Job/Role: DirectorName: Gani Müjde
Department: Writing
Job/Role: WriterName: Aysel Gürel
Department: Sound
Job/Role: MusicName: Türker İnanoğlu
Department: Production
Job/Role: ProducerName: Nahit Ataman
Department: Production
Job/Role: ProducerName: Ferdi Eğilmez
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Second Assistant DirectorName: Aytekin Çakmakçı
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Cinematography
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