Movie basic details
Current status - Released
Total runtime - 102 mins.
Release date - 12-10-1982
Release year - 1982
Genres - Action, Crime, Drama
Overall ratings and scores for Turning Point:
Happiness Score - 6.3/10, World Popularity Score - 0.6/100, IMDB Score - 6.5, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 6.5/10, .
Turning Point movie has Total Global Votes - 7, Total IMD Votes - 271
Turning Point Movie Introduction: Movie Turning Point, release year 1982 is written by Giannis Dalianidis and directed by Giannis Dalianidis. The leading star-cast in this movie are Panos Mihalopoulos, Lia Raka, Sofia Aliberti along with the other stars and crew members.
Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes
Movie overview and plot by Anagha Shashank
Movie in-short: Lured by the big city's bright lights, a band of at-risk youths arrives in Athens only to find themselves pushed into delinquency and drug addiction. Now, life has hit rock bottom. Could this be the turning point in their tragic e...
Movie story-line: Two young couples decide to run away from home and go to Athens in order to find the exciting life that they couldn't live at the country. The guys get busted for robbing a gas station while the girls start working at a night club. Daisy meets a young and handsome man named Panos. He is a motorcycle racing driver. They immediately start a destructive relationship. Panos tastes his first joint with her and soon they become heroin-addicts, willing to do anything in order to get their daily fix. The film goes on describing their downfall until the apocalyptic ending.
Movie synopsis: Lured by the big city's bright lights, a band of rebellious young friends--Stefi, Charoula, Petros, and Argiris--summon up the courage to leave their families and their sleepy little town, to find refuge in a squalid third-class Athenian hotel. However, in the bustling capital, the unsuspecting pipe-dreamers are in for a rude awakening, as the dangerous lack of money will soon push the at-risk youths into delinquency, against the backdrop of a doomed romance between Charoula and the handsome motocross champion, Panos. Before long, an unwelcome brush with the law will lead the unlucky ones straight to jail, while in the meantime, the rest of the group delves deeper and deeper into the perilous world of drug addiction. Right now, things are looking bleak, and life has hit rock bottom. Could this be the turning point in the survivors' pitiable existence?
Highlights - Turning Point (1982)
Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - Giorgos Karagiannis & Co.
Produced in - Greece
Available languages - Greek (ελληνικά),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) -
Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Turning Point (1982)
Lead Actors - Panos Mihalopoulos, Lia Raka, Sofia Aliberti
Writer(s) - Giannis Dalianidis
Director(s) - Giannis Dalianidis
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Turning Point (1982)
What is the release date of Turning Point (1982)?
Release date of Turning Point (1982) is 12-10-1982.
What is the total runtime of Turning Point (1982) in minutes?
Total runtime of Turning Point (1982) in minutes is 102 min.
What is the budget consumed to produce Turning Point (1982) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Turning Point (1982) movie is around $0.00.
How much revenue is expected from movie Turning Point (1982)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Turning Point (1982) is around $0.00.
What is the pupularity of Turning Point (1982)?
Worldwide pupularity of Turning Point (1982) movie is 0.6%.
What is the name of the production company of film Turning Point (1982)?
Production company of film Turning Point (1982) is/are Giorgos Karagiannis & Co., .
Which country the film Turning Point (1982) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Turning Point (1982) is Greece, .
Which language the film Turning Point (1982) is produced in?
Film Turning Point (1982) is produced in Greek (ελληνικά), language(s).
Which Genre the film Turning Point (1982) belongs to?
Movie Turning Point (1982) is categorized under Action, Crime, Drama genre(s).
Who are the lead actors of the film Turning Point (1982)?
Lead actors of the film Turning Point (1982) are Panos Mihalopoulos, Lia Raka, Sofia Aliberti.
Who is the writer of the film Turning Point (1982)?
The writer(s) of the film Turning Point (1982) is/are Giannis Dalianidis.
Who is the director of the film Turning Point (1982)?
The director(s) of the film Turning Point (1982) is/are Giannis Dalianidis.
Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Turning Point (1982) movie?
Movie Turning Point (1982) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.
What is the story of Turning Point (1982) in-short?
Short plot of movie Turning Point (1982): Lured by the big city's bright lights, a band of at-risk youths arrives in Athens only to find themselves pushed into delinquency and drug addiction. Now, life has hit rock bottom. Could this be the turning point in their tragic e....
What is the full story of Turning Point (1982) movie?
Full plot of movie Turning Point (1982): Lured by the big city's bright lights, a band of rebellious young friends--Stefi, Charoula, Petros, and Argiris--summon up the courage to leave their families and their sleepy little town, to find refuge in a squalid third-class Athenian hotel. However, in the bustling capital, the unsuspecting pipe-dreamers are in for a rude awakening, as the dangerous lack of money will soon push the at-risk youths into delinquency, against the backdrop of a doomed romance between Charoula and the handsome motocross champion, Panos. Before long, an unwelcome brush with the law will lead the unlucky ones straight to jail, while in the meantime, the rest of the group delves deeper and deeper into the perilous world of drug addiction. Right now, things are looking bleak, and life has hit rock bottom. Could this be the turning point in the survivors' pitiable existence?.
Where to find full details of Turning Point (1982) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Turning Point (1982) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0289503
Where to stream or watch movie Turning Point (1982) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Turning Point (1982) on .
List of full Starcast and crew members of Turning Point (1982)
Full Starcast:
Name: Panos Mihalopoulos
Character: Panos KazantzisName: Sofia Aliberti
Character: StefiName: Lia Raka
Character: HaroulaName: Koula Agagiotou
Character: Mrs. KazantziName: Tasos Halkias
Character: Stamatis KazantzisName: Melpo Zarokosta
Character: EfiName: Nikos Kouros
Character: OdysseasName: Nikos Papadopoulos
Character: Petros
Crew Members:
Name: Giannis Dalianidis
Department: Directing
Job/Role: DirectorName: Giannis Dalianidis
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Writer
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