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![Lootcase (2020) movie is available to watch/stream on Hotstar Lootcase (2020) movie is available to watch/stream on Hotstar](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w45/eApzJtzOngfBlEC3lCjuAtzsOTf.jpg)
![Lootcase (2020) movie is available to watch/stream on Hotstar Lootcase (2020) movie is available to watch/stream on Hotstar](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w45/eApzJtzOngfBlEC3lCjuAtzsOTf.jpg)
![Lootcase (2020) movie is available to watch/stream on VI movies and tv Lootcase (2020) movie is available to watch/stream on VI movies and tv](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w45/sfXXtlU4C66jxFuDn7R3lfMPgUT.jpg)
![Lootcase (2020) movie is available to watch/stream on Hotstar Lootcase (2020) movie is available to watch/stream on Hotstar](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w45/eApzJtzOngfBlEC3lCjuAtzsOTf.jpg)
Movie basic details
Current status - Released
Total runtime - 132 mins.
Release date - 31-07-2020
Release year - 2020
Genres - Comedy
Overall ratings and scores for Lootcase:
Happiness Score - 6.8/10, World Popularity Score - 2.726/100, IMDB Score - 7.6, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 7.6/10, .
Lootcase movie has Total Global Votes - 27, Total IMD Votes - 16,579
Lootcase Movie Introduction: Movie Lootcase, release year 2020 is written by Kapil Sawant, Rajesh Krishnan and directed by Rajesh Krishnan. The leading star-cast in this movie are Kunal Khemu, Rasika Dugal, Vijay Raaz along with the other stars and crew members.
Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes
Movie overview and plot by Rashmil Malini
Movie in-short: Nandan Kumar comes across a suitcase and discovers it is full of cash. He takes the suitcase and soon finds himself being chased by a notorious gangster, an honest cop and a minister, who want the suitcase at any cost.
Movie story-line: Nandan Kumar comes across a suitcase and discovers it is full of cash. He takes the suitcase and soon finds himself being chased by a notorious gangster, an honest cop and a minister, who want the suitcase at any cost.
Movie synopsis: Nandan Kumar working in a newspaper printing press lives a normal life with wife Lata and son Ayush he finds difficult to meat ends financially. Once while returning from night shift he finds an abandoned suitcase full of cash Nandan takes the bag along with him and hides it in his neighbor's house whose in his village.The suitcase belongs to MLA Patil and got abandoned as a shootout took place between his men Omar and Abdul and Bala Rathod's men Graduate and Rajan.Nandan starts to live a lavish life with the money hiding it from Lata and everyone Patil soon appoints Inspector Kolte to search the bag at any cost as it also as a file which has details of land grabbing.
Highlights - Lootcase (2020)
Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - Fox Star StudiosSoda Films
Produced in - India
Available languages - Hindi (हिन्दी),
Homepage URL - https://www.hotstar.com/ca/movies/lootcase/1260028560
Awards won / Nominations - 1 win & 8 nominations
Certificate(s) -
Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Lootcase (2020)
Lead Actors - Kunal Khemu, Rasika Dugal, Vijay Raaz
Writer(s) - Kapil Sawant, Rajesh Krishnan
Director(s) - Rajesh Krishnan
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Lootcase (2020)
What is the release date of Lootcase (2020)?
Release date of Lootcase (2020) is 31-07-2020.
What is the total runtime of Lootcase (2020) in minutes?
Total runtime of Lootcase (2020) in minutes is 132 min.
What is the budget consumed to produce Lootcase (2020) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Lootcase (2020) movie is around $0.00.
How much revenue is expected from movie Lootcase (2020)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Lootcase (2020) is around $0.00.
What is the pupularity of Lootcase (2020)?
Worldwide pupularity of Lootcase (2020) movie is 2.726%.
What is the name of the production company of film Lootcase (2020)?
Production company of film Lootcase (2020) is/are Fox Star Studios, Soda Films, .
Which country the film Lootcase (2020) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Lootcase (2020) is India, .
Which language the film Lootcase (2020) is produced in?
Film Lootcase (2020) is produced in Hindi (हिन्दी), language(s).
Which Genre the film Lootcase (2020) belongs to?
Movie Lootcase (2020) is categorized under Comedy, Crime genre(s).
Who are the lead actors of the film Lootcase (2020)?
Lead actors of the film Lootcase (2020) are Kunal Khemu, Rasika Dugal, Vijay Raaz.
Who is the writer of the film Lootcase (2020)?
The writer(s) of the film Lootcase (2020) is/are Kapil Sawant, Rajesh Krishnan.
Who is the director of the film Lootcase (2020)?
The director(s) of the film Lootcase (2020) is/are Rajesh Krishnan.
Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Lootcase (2020) movie?
Movie Lootcase (2020) has 1 win & 8 nominations awards and nomination in it's profile.
What is the story of Lootcase (2020) in-short?
Short plot of movie Lootcase (2020): Nandan Kumar comes across a suitcase and discovers it is full of cash. He takes the suitcase and soon finds himself being chased by a notorious gangster, an honest cop and a minister, who want the suitcase at any cost..
What is the full story of Lootcase (2020) movie?
Full plot of movie Lootcase (2020): Nandan Kumar working in a newspaper printing press lives a normal life with wife Lata and son Ayush he finds difficult to meat ends financially. Once while returning from night shift he finds an abandoned suitcase full of cash Nandan takes the bag along with him and hides it in his neighbor's house whose in his village.The suitcase belongs to MLA Patil and got abandoned as a shootout took place between his men Omar and Abdul and Bala Rathod's men Graduate and Rajan.Nandan starts to live a lavish life with the money hiding it from Lata and everyone Patil soon appoints Inspector Kolte to search the bag at any cost as it also as a file which has details of land grabbing..
Where to find full details of Lootcase (2020) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Lootcase (2020) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10515526
Where to stream or watch movie Lootcase (2020) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Lootcase (2020) on Hotstar, VI movies and tv, .
List of full Starcast and crew members of Lootcase (2020)
Full Starcast:
Name: Kunal Khemu
Character: Nandan KumarName: Rasika Dugal
Character: LataName: Ranvir Shorey
Character: Inspector KolteName: Gajraj Rao
Character: MLA PatilName: Vijay Raaz
Character: Bala RathoreName: Aakash Dabhade
Character: Name: Aryan Prajapati
Character: Nandan's Son
Crew Members:
Name: Anand Subaya
Department: Editing
Job/Role: EditorName: Amit Rai
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Production ControllerName: Sanu John Varghese
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of PhotographyName: Rajesh Krishnan
Department: Writing
Job/Role: ScreenplayName: Rajesh Krishnan
Department: Directing
Job/Role: DirectorName: Sameer Uddin
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Original Music ComposerName: Kapil Sawant
Department: Writing
Job/Role: ScreenplayName: Amar Mangrulkar
Department: Sound
Job/Role: SongsName: Vinayak
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Music DirectorName: Rohan
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Songs
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