El cóndor de oro (1996)

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The Golden Condor (1996)    Listen Movie Details
Happiness Meter
6/10 0%
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0.0 out of 5 stars (based on 0 reviews)
Very good0%
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available in BS country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in CA country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in CH country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in CI country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in CO country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in CR country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in DO country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has 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is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in HK country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in HN country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in HR country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in IS country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in JM country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in JO country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in KW country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in LI country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in LY country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in MA country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in MC country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in MD country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in MX country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in NE country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in NG country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in OM country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in PA country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in PE country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in PT country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in PY country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in QA country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in SA country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in SK country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in SM country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in SV country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in TN country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in TW country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in US country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in UY country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in VE country/region to ads onlineThe Golden Condor (1996) movie is available to ads on VIX   VIX has made The Golden Condor (1996) movie available in YE country/region to ads online

Movie basic details

Current status - Released
Total runtime - 0 mins.
Release date - 20-04-1996
Release year - 1996
Genres - Drama

Overall ratings and scores for The Golden Condor:
Happiness Score - 0/10, World Popularity Score - 0.84/100, IMDB Score - 5.5, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 5.5/10, .
The Golden Condor movie has Total Global Votes - 0, Total IMD Votes - 13

The Golden Condor Movie Introduction: Movie The Golden Condor, release year 1996 is written by Francisco D'Intino, Enrique Muzio and directed by Enrique Muzio. The leading star-cast in this movie are Ulises Dumont, Pablo Alarcón, Gogó Andreu, Alberto Basail along with the other stars and crew members.

Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes

Movie overview and plot by

Movie in-short: N/A

Movie story-line:

Movie synopsis: N/A

Highlights - The Golden Condor (1996)

Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - INCAAMovimiento Producciones CinematográficasGobierno de la Provincia de Mendoza
Produced in - Argentina
Available languages - Spanish (Español),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) -

Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of The Golden Condor (1996)

Lead Actors - Ulises Dumont, Pablo Alarcón, Gogó Andreu, Alberto Basail
Writer(s) - Francisco D'Intino, Enrique Muzio
Director(s) - Enrique Muzio

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about The Golden Condor (1996)

What is the release date of The Golden Condor (1996)?
Release date of The Golden Condor (1996) is 20-04-1996.

What is the total runtime of The Golden Condor (1996) in minutes?
Total runtime of The Golden Condor (1996) in minutes is 105 min.

What is the budget consumed to produce The Golden Condor (1996) movie?
The budget consumed to produce The Golden Condor (1996) movie is around $0.00.

How much revenue is expected from movie The Golden Condor (1996)?
Expected revenue from movie movie The Golden Condor (1996) is around $0.00.

What is the pupularity of The Golden Condor (1996)?
Worldwide pupularity of The Golden Condor (1996) movie is 0.84%.

What is the name of the production company of film The Golden Condor (1996)?
Production company of film The Golden Condor (1996) is/are INCAA, Movimiento Producciones Cinematográficas, Gobierno de la Provincia de Mendoza, .

Which country the film The Golden Condor (1996) is produced in?
Film production country for the film The Golden Condor (1996) is Argentina, .

Which language the film The Golden Condor (1996) is produced in?
Film The Golden Condor (1996) is produced in Spanish (Español), language(s).

Which Genre the film The Golden Condor (1996) belongs to?
Movie The Golden Condor (1996) is categorized under Adventure genre(s).

Who are the lead actors of the film The Golden Condor (1996)?
Lead actors of the film The Golden Condor (1996) are Ulises Dumont, Pablo Alarcón, Gogó Andreu, Alberto Basail.

Who is the writer of the film The Golden Condor (1996)?
The writer(s) of the film The Golden Condor (1996) is/are Francisco D'Intino, Enrique Muzio.

Who is the director of the film The Golden Condor (1996)?
The director(s) of the film The Golden Condor (1996) is/are Enrique Muzio.

Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by The Golden Condor (1996) movie?
Movie The Golden Condor (1996) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.

What is the story of The Golden Condor (1996) in-short?
Short plot of movie The Golden Condor (1996): N/A.

What is the full story of The Golden Condor (1996) movie?
Full plot of movie The Golden Condor (1996): N/A.

Where to find full details of The Golden Condor (1996) movie?
You can find the full details of movie The Golden Condor (1996) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0223078

Where to stream or watch movie The Golden Condor (1996) online?
You can stream or watch online movie The Golden Condor (1996) on VIX , .

List of full Starcast and crew members of The Golden Condor (1996)

Full Starcast:

profie photo of Pablo AlarcónName: Pablo Alarcón

profie photo of Ulises DumontName: Ulises Dumont

profie photo of Blanca OteyzaName: Blanca Oteyza

profie photo of Héctor BordoniName: Héctor Bordoni

profie photo of Luis Medina CastroName: Luis Medina Castro

profie photo of Carlos EstradaName: Carlos Estrada

profie photo of Gogó AndreuName: Gogó Andreu

profie photo of Roberto CesánName: Roberto Cesán

Crew Members:

profie photo of Francisco D'IntinoName: Francisco D'Intino
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Francisco D'IntinoName: Francisco D'Intino
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Writer

profie photo of Enrique MuzioName: Enrique Muzio
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Director

profie photo of Enrique MuzioName: Enrique Muzio
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Writer

profie photo of José Luis Castiñeira de DiosName: José Luis Castiñeira de Dios
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Music

profie photo of Darío TedescoName: Darío Tedesco
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Editor

profie photo of Pedro MarraName: Pedro Marra
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Sound

profie photo of Alberto BasailName: Alberto Basail
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of Photography

profie photo of Guillermo RodríguezName: Guillermo Rodríguez
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Sound

Movie Posters and Wallapapers - The Golden Condor (1996)

movie poster 769910tt0223078-1movie poster 769910tt0223078-2

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