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![Historias de la puta mili (1994) movie is available to watch/stream on Filmin Historias de la puta mili (1994) movie is available to watch/stream on Filmin](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w45/gqdajHmtr6qtutL7kkmEgleGfV9.jpg)
Movie basic details
Current status - Released
Total runtime - 97 mins.
Release date - 14-01-1994
Release year - 1994
Genres - Comedy
Overall ratings and scores for Historias de la puta mili:
Happiness Score - 5.6/10, World Popularity Score - 1.149/100, IMDB Score - 3.8, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 3.8/10, .
Historias de la puta mili movie has Total Global Votes - 10, Total IMD Votes - 252
Historias de la puta mili Movie Introduction: Movie Historias de la puta mili, release year 1994 is written by Ramón Tosas 'Ivá', Joan Potau, El Gran Wyoming and directed by Manel Esteban. The leading star-cast in this movie are Juan Echanove, Jordi Mollà, Achero Mañas along with the other stars and crew members.
Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes
Movie overview and plot by Anagha Shashank
Movie in-short: N/A
Movie story-line:
Movie synopsis: ¨Historias De La Puta Mili¨ or "Tales of the Stinking Military Service" is a Spanish film shot in 1993 , and premiered on January 14 , 1994 . Directed by Manel Esteban and starred by Juan Echanove, based on comic strips with the same title by Ramón 'Ivà' Tosas', publicized on satiric magazine ¨El Jueves¨ that talked about military life in the barracks and embarrassing assignments . At the same time , to be made a homonyms television series . It deals with the adventures and misfortunes of a bunch of Spanish military commanded by sergeant Marcelino Arensivia . Dealing with recruits who did compulsory military service , as the motley group of soldiers (Jordi Mollà , Achero Mañas , Marc Martínez , David Gil) are lousily commanded by Sergeant ¨Chusquero¨ Arensivia (Juan Echanove). As when the army computer wrongly assigns a dangerous mission to the sergeant Arensivia's platoon , the band is parachuted and they undertake a risked aim . Later on , the outfit becomes involved with military high-command (Agustin Gonzalez , Jose Sazatornil , Craig Hill) , an Anti-Otan manifestation shouting : Yankees go home , Bases Fuera , ecologists , anarchists , a tough Guardia Civil officer (Jose Maria Cañete) and many other things . This is a silly comedy plenty of sarcastic humour in which there is a real criticism to the military organization . The Spanish army is generally presented as an inept band , being panned as a bungling and incompetent stratum . Here the military class is shown as a complete disorganization , as it is filled with incompetent officers , botcher staff , and silly managers , all of them cause absurd situations . The film belongs to a peculiar sub-genre , usual in the 70s and 80s , such as ¨La Quinta Del Porro¨ by Frances Bellmunt , ¨La Batalla Del Porro¨ and ¨Soldadito Español¨ by Antonio Gimenez Rico , all of them concerning a sour critique to military class . ¨Puta mili's¨ characters are phonetically transcribed in non-understanding dialogues and it shouldn't be correct in a written language , in addition , using many slang . The support cast is pretty well , including a plethora of familiar faces such as : Jordi Mollà as El Pulpo , Achero Mañas as El Chino , Marc Martínez , Agustín González , José María Cañete , Gracia Olayo , Craig Hill and the great José Sazatornil . Atmospheric cinematography by Joseph M. Civit . Josep M Civit is one of the best Spanish cameramen , as he has demonstrated in "The Hidden Face" , ¨Shiver¨, ¨Warriors¨ , ¨The Absent" ,¨Anguish¨ and many others . Being shot on location in Castelldefells , Montseny , Sabadell, Castellbisbal and, Terrasa . The motion picture was regularly directed by Manel Esteban . Based on popular comics by Iva , published by Editions Thursday in a humorous magazine , which had several readers , these are auto-conclusive stories , often two pages . In these cartoons , the author referred embodied anecdotes and disconcerting stories , being true or not . These stories have been taken as real events as imagined , including exceptional happenings and personal inventions . All or almost all , reflected the daily lives of many barracks and many aspects of the perception of military service for a good part of the Spanish male population , most of them who had done and belonged to the military service , being a total waste time , where recruits were treated as slaves , harassed and mistreated by the abusive superiors ; and receiving a salary for 1137 Pesetas , a month . As the misfit characters were anonymous and there was no continuity , such as military barracks where every hundred days there were different recruits . The only character that showed a slight continuity was Sergeant Arensivia who was as awkward as most characters of this comic . It had more than 200 numbers and disappeared following the professionalization of the armed forces in the late 90s . Another proof of the success of this series is the appearance of the series by the same author that resulted to be similarly successful : ¨Makinavaja¨ . As well as Makinavaja , the ¨Puta Mili Stories¨ were adapted to theater, film and television . As in 1990 a play about the "Tales from the Puta Mili" with Ramon Teixidor as Sergeant Arensivia, directed by Angel Alonso . In 1994 this movie starring Juan Echanove and homonyms TV series are produced .
Highlights - Historias de la puta mili (1994)
Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - TVETV3Canal+ EspañaMotion Pictures S.A.
Produced in - Spain
Available languages - Spanish (Español),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) - ES : 18
Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Historias de la puta mili (1994)
Lead Actors - Juan Echanove, Jordi Mollà, Achero Mañas
Writer(s) - Ramón Tosas 'Ivá', Joan Potau, El Gran Wyoming
Director(s) - Manel Esteban
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Historias de la puta mili (1994)
What is the release date of Historias de la puta mili (1994)?
Release date of Historias de la puta mili (1994) is 14-01-1994.
What is the total runtime of Historias de la puta mili (1994) in minutes?
Total runtime of Historias de la puta mili (1994) in minutes is 97 min.
What is the budget consumed to produce Historias de la puta mili (1994) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Historias de la puta mili (1994) movie is around $0.00.
How much revenue is expected from movie Historias de la puta mili (1994)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Historias de la puta mili (1994) is around $0.00.
What is the pupularity of Historias de la puta mili (1994)?
Worldwide pupularity of Historias de la puta mili (1994) movie is 1.149%.
What is the name of the production company of film Historias de la puta mili (1994)?
Production company of film Historias de la puta mili (1994) is/are TVE, TV3, Canal+ España, Motion Pictures S.A., .
Which country the film Historias de la puta mili (1994) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Historias de la puta mili (1994) is Spain, .
Which language the film Historias de la puta mili (1994) is produced in?
Film Historias de la puta mili (1994) is produced in Spanish (Español), language(s).
Which Genre the film Historias de la puta mili (1994) belongs to?
Movie Historias de la puta mili (1994) is categorized under Comedy, Drama genre(s).
Who are the lead actors of the film Historias de la puta mili (1994)?
Lead actors of the film Historias de la puta mili (1994) are Juan Echanove, Jordi Mollà, Achero Mañas.
Who is the writer of the film Historias de la puta mili (1994)?
The writer(s) of the film Historias de la puta mili (1994) is/are Ramón Tosas 'Ivá', Joan Potau, El Gran Wyoming.
Who is the director of the film Historias de la puta mili (1994)?
The director(s) of the film Historias de la puta mili (1994) is/are Manel Esteban.
Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Historias de la puta mili (1994) movie?
Movie Historias de la puta mili (1994) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.
What is the story of Historias de la puta mili (1994) in-short?
Short plot of movie Historias de la puta mili (1994): N/A.
What is the full story of Historias de la puta mili (1994) movie?
Full plot of movie Historias de la puta mili (1994): ¨Historias De La Puta Mili¨ or "Tales of the Stinking Military Service" is a Spanish film shot in 1993 , and premiered on January 14 , 1994 . Directed by Manel Esteban and starred by Juan Echanove, based on comic strips with the same title by Ramón 'Ivà' Tosas', publicized on satiric magazine ¨El Jueves¨ that talked about military life in the barracks and embarrassing assignments . At the same time , to be made a homonyms television series . It deals with the adventures and misfortunes of a bunch of Spanish military commanded by sergeant Marcelino Arensivia . Dealing with recruits who did compulsory military service , as the motley group of soldiers (Jordi Mollà , Achero Mañas , Marc Martínez , David Gil) are lousily commanded by Sergeant ¨Chusquero¨ Arensivia (Juan Echanove). As when the army computer wrongly assigns a dangerous mission to the sergeant Arensivia's platoon , the band is parachuted and they undertake a risked aim . Later on , the outfit becomes involved with military high-command (Agustin Gonzalez , Jose Sazatornil , Craig Hill) , an Anti-Otan manifestation shouting : Yankees go home , Bases Fuera , ecologists , anarchists , a tough Guardia Civil officer (Jose Maria Cañete) and many other things . This is a silly comedy plenty of sarcastic humour in which there is a real criticism to the military organization . The Spanish army is generally presented as an inept band , being panned as a bungling and incompetent stratum . Here the military class is shown as a complete disorganization , as it is filled with incompetent officers , botcher staff , and silly managers , all of them cause absurd situations . The film belongs to a peculiar sub-genre , usual in the 70s and 80s , such as ¨La Quinta Del Porro¨ by Frances Bellmunt , ¨La Batalla Del Porro¨ and ¨Soldadito Español¨ by Antonio Gimenez Rico , all of them concerning a sour critique to military class . ¨Puta mili's¨ characters are phonetically transcribed in non-understanding dialogues and it shouldn't be correct in a written language , in addition , using many slang . The support cast is pretty well , including a plethora of familiar faces such as : Jordi Mollà as El Pulpo , Achero Mañas as El Chino , Marc Martínez , Agustín González , José María Cañete , Gracia Olayo , Craig Hill and the great José Sazatornil . Atmospheric cinematography by Joseph M. Civit . Josep M Civit is one of the best Spanish cameramen , as he has demonstrated in "The Hidden Face" , ¨Shiver¨, ¨Warriors¨ , ¨The Absent" ,¨Anguish¨ and many others . Being shot on location in Castelldefells , Montseny , Sabadell, Castellbisbal and, Terrasa . The motion picture was regularly directed by Manel Esteban . Based on popular comics by Iva , published by Editions Thursday in a humorous magazine , which had several readers , these are auto-conclusive stories , often two pages . In these cartoons , the author referred embodied anecdotes and disconcerting stories , being true or not . These stories have been taken as real events as imagined , including exceptional happenings and personal inventions . All or almost all , reflected the daily lives of many barracks and many aspects of the perception of military service for a good part of the Spanish male population , most of them who had done and belonged to the military service , being a total waste time , where recruits were treated as slaves , harassed and mistreated by the abusive superiors ; and receiving a salary for 1137 Pesetas , a month . As the misfit characters were anonymous and there was no continuity , such as military barracks where every hundred days there were different recruits . The only character that showed a slight continuity was Sergeant Arensivia who was as awkward as most characters of this comic . It had more than 200 numbers and disappeared following the professionalization of the armed forces in the late 90s . Another proof of the success of this series is the appearance of the series by the same author that resulted to be similarly successful : ¨Makinavaja¨ . As well as Makinavaja , the ¨Puta Mili Stories¨ were adapted to theater, film and television . As in 1990 a play about the "Tales from the Puta Mili" with Ramon Teixidor as Sergeant Arensivia, directed by Angel Alonso . In 1994 this movie starring Juan Echanove and homonyms TV series are produced ..
Where to find full details of Historias de la puta mili (1994) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Historias de la puta mili (1994) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107116
Where to stream or watch movie Historias de la puta mili (1994) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Historias de la puta mili (1994) on Filmin, .
List of full Starcast and crew members of Historias de la puta mili (1994)
Full Starcast:
Name: Juan Echanove
Character: Sargento ArensiviaName: Achero Mañas
Character: El ChinoName: Jordi Mollà
Character: El PulpoName: José 'Saza' Sazatornil
Character: General HueteName: Agustín González
Character: Comandante GiménezName: Marc Martínez
Character: El MacaName: David Gil
Character: El BolaName: Carles Romeu
Character: El Diputao (as Carlos Romeu)Name: José María Cañete
Character: Sargento G. CivilName: Gracia Olayo
Character: María (as Gracia Olaya)Name: Raquel Evans
Character: MarisaName: Craig Hill
Character: General HolmesName: Eliana Ternel
Character: Pepa (as Eliana Teruel)Name: Ester Formosa
Character: LolaName: Eduardo Torrente
Character: RockyName: Ramón Tosas 'Ivá'
Character: Ayt. HolmesName: Toni Planells
Character: Gral. FrancésName: Hans Leicht
Character: Gral. AlemánName: Noel J. Samson
Character: Gral. Inglés (as Noel Samson)Name: Izaskun Martínez
Character: LulúName: Jean Paul Szybura
Character: PierreName: Jaume Sorribas
Character: Compañero ecologistaName: Charo Sebastian
Character: BegoName: Karin Boukena
Character: GretelName: Carl Craven
Character: HansName: Rudy Stegman
Character: FritzName: Claudia Román
Character: EncarniName: Xavier Millán
Character: PilotoName: Fontxo Aberasturi
Character: Co-pilotoName: Vicente Panco
Character: Terrorista japonés (as Vicente Pando)Name: Izumi Yahoska
Character: Terrorista japonesaName: Josep Solans
Character: Anciano 1ºName: Santos Fernández
Character: Anciano 2ºName: Antonio Piza
Character: Anciano 3ºName: Jesús Pérez
Character: Comandante AngelilloName: Blanca Martínez
Character: Monja 1ªName: Concha Redondo
Character: Monja 2ªName: Joaquín Leria
Character: Negro 1ºName: Sarr Mamadon Alex
Character: Negro 2ºName: Chisco Amado
Character: CarlitosName: Anna Azcona
Character: Guerrillera (as Ana Azcona)Name: Benito Pocino
Character: Camarero merenderoName: Carlos García
Character: Cabo guardiaName: Clement Sensada
Character: Cabo desp comandanteName: José Antonio Duque
Character: Militar 1º baseName: Davis Acedo
Character: Militar 2º base (as David Acedo)Name: Jordi Maso
Character: Reportero TV-ManiobrasName: Nuria Borcell
Character: Loli (as Nuria Borgell)Name: Laura Fuster
Character: Merche-EcologistaName: Alfred Reixach
Character: Reporter TV-GuerraName: Tony Albert
Character: Reporter 1º TVName: Jordi Cherino
Character: Reporter 2º TVName: Mohamed Genen
Character: Vendedor moroName: Sandra Sánchez-Rol
Character: Name: Semolina
Character: Chica PunkyName: Victor Alvaro
Crew Members:
Name: Pascual Otal
Department: Production
Job/Role: Assistant Production ManagerName: El Gran Wyoming
Department: Writing
Job/Role: ScreenplayName: Josep M. Civit
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of PhotographyName: Joan Potau
Department: Writing
Job/Role: WriterName: Xavier Gil
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Camera OperatorName: Manuel Esteban Marquilles
Department: Writing
Job/Role: ScreenplayName: Enric Jorba
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Special Effects TechnicianName: Manuel Esteban
Department: Directing
Job/Role: DirectorName: Amat Carreras
Department: Editing
Job/Role: EditorName: Ramón Tosas 'Ivá'
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Comic BookName: Enrique Uviedo
Department: Writing
Job/Role: ScreenplayName: Enrique Uviedo
Department: Production
Job/Role: ProducerName: Josep 'Kitflus' Mas
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Original Music ComposerName: Pere Francesc
Department: Art
Job/Role: Art DirectionName: Lluís Mateu
Department: Art
Job/Role: Art DirectionName: Elena Oliveras
Department: Costume & Make-Up
Job/Role: Costume DesignName: Francisco G. Siurana
Department: Directing
Job/Role: First Assistant DirectorName: Toni García
Department: Camera
Job/Role: First Assistant CameraName: Francisco Castillo
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Key GripName: José María Montserrat
Department: Camera
Job/Role: GripName: Eduard Olivella
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Still PhotographerName: Luis García
Department: Costume & Make-Up
Job/Role: Assistant Costume DesignerName: Magdalena Sanz
Department: Costume & Make-Up
Job/Role: HairstylistName: Daniel Irazoqui
Department: Art
Job/Role: Property MasterName: Mireia Ros
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Public RelationsName: Pérez-Guzmán
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Transportation CoordinatorName: Fina Sensada
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Script SupervisorName: Jordi Joaní
Department: Lighting
Job/Role: ElectricianName: Javier Catalán
Department: Lighting
Job/Role: GafferName: Xavier Barbara
Department: Production
Job/Role: Production ManagerName: Eduard Ramada
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Boom OperatorName: Teresa Cofiño
Department: Costume & Make-Up
Job/Role: Assistant Makeup ArtistName: Francesc Cerdeña
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Second Assistant DirectorName: Montse Maycar
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Third Assistant DirectorName: Helena Roda Alsina
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Second Assistant CameraName: Antón Sureda
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Assistant EditorName: Gloria Martí
Department: Production
Job/Role: General ManagerName: Óscar Albert
Department: Production
Job/Role: Production AssistantName: Fina Torrente
Department: Production
Job/Role: Production Secretary
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