Drive (2019)

December 28, 2022
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Drive (2019)    Listen Movie Details
Happiness Meter
5.3/10 53%
Average of Ratings
World Popularity
Internet Movie Database
Rotten Tomatoes
0.0 out of 5 stars (based on 0 reviews)
Very good0%

Drive (2019) on global platforms:

Drive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in AD country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in AE country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in AG country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in AL country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in AR country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in AT country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in AU country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in BA country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in BB country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in BE country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in BG country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in BH country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in BM country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in BO country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in BR country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in BS country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in CA country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in CH country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in CL country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in CO country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in CR country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in CZ country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in DE country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in DK country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in DO country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in DZ country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in EC country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in EE country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in EG country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in ES country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in FI country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in FR country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in GB country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to 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watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in ID country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in IE country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in IL country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in IN country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in IQ country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in IS country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made 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country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in MD country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in MK country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in MT country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in MX country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in NL country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in NO country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   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(2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in PL country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in PS country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in PT country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in PY country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in QA country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in RO country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available 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Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in SV country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in TC country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in TH country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in TN country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in TR country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in TT country/region to watch/stream onlineDrive (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Netflix   Netflix has made Drive (2019) movie available in TW country/region to watch/stream 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Movie basic details

Current status - Released
Total runtime - 147 mins.
Release date - 01-11-2019
Release year - 2019
Genres - Action, Thriller

Overall ratings and scores for Drive:
Happiness Score - 5.3/10, World Popularity Score - 20.629/100, IMDB Score - 3.1, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 3.1/10, Rotten Tomatoes - 71%, .
Drive movie has Total Global Votes - 44, Total IMD Votes - 7,686

Drive Movie Introduction: Movie Drive, release year 2019 is written by Tarun Mansukhani and directed by Tarun Mansukhani. The leading star-cast in this movie are Sushant Singh Rajput, Jacqueline Fernandez, Vikramjeet Virk along with the other stars and crew members.

Movie overview and plot by

Movie in-short: A notorious thief allies with a street racer for a grand heist involving an elaborate game of deceit with authorities, who have their own dirty secrets.

Movie story-line: A getaway driver is attracted to a female neighbor whose husband owes money to a local gangster. As a result he is drawn deeper into a dangerous underworld.

Movie synopsis: A notorious thief allies with a street racer for a grand heist involving an elaborate game of deceit with authorities, who have their own dirty secrets.

Highlights - Drive (2019)

Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - Dharma Productions
Produced in - India
Available languages - Hindi (हिन्दी),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) - IN : UA BR : 12 SG : PG13

Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Drive (2019)

Lead Actors - Sushant Singh Rajput, Jacqueline Fernandez, Vikramjeet Virk
Writer(s) - Tarun Mansukhani
Director(s) - Tarun Mansukhani

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Drive (2019)

What is the release date of Drive (2019)?
Release date of Drive (2019) is 01-11-2019.

What is the total runtime of Drive (2019) in minutes?
Total runtime of Drive (2019) in minutes is 147 min.

What is the budget consumed to produce Drive (2019) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Drive (2019) movie is around $0.00.

How much revenue is expected from movie Drive (2019)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Drive (2019) is around $0.00.

What is the pupularity of Drive (2019)?
Worldwide pupularity of Drive (2019) movie is 20.629%.

What is the name of the production company of film Drive (2019)?
Production company of film Drive (2019) is/are Dharma Productions, .

Which country the film Drive (2019) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Drive (2019) is India, .

Which language the film Drive (2019) is produced in?
Film Drive (2019) is produced in Hindi (हिन्दी), language(s).

Which Genre the film Drive (2019) belongs to?
Movie Drive (2019) is categorized under Action, Crime, Thriller genre(s).

Who are the lead actors of the film Drive (2019)?
Lead actors of the film Drive (2019) are Sushant Singh Rajput, Jacqueline Fernandez, Vikramjeet Virk.

Who is the writer of the film Drive (2019)?
The writer(s) of the film Drive (2019) is/are Tarun Mansukhani.

Who is the director of the film Drive (2019)?
The director(s) of the film Drive (2019) is/are Tarun Mansukhani.

Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Drive (2019) movie?
Movie Drive (2019) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.

What is the story of Drive (2019) in-short?
Short plot of movie Drive (2019): A notorious thief allies with a street racer for a grand heist involving an elaborate game of deceit with authorities, who have their own dirty secrets..

What is the full story of Drive (2019) movie?
Full plot of movie Drive (2019): A notorious thief allies with a street racer for a grand heist involving an elaborate game of deceit with authorities, who have their own dirty secrets..

Where to find full details of Drive (2019) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Drive (2019) at

Where to stream or watch movie Drive (2019) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Drive (2019) on Netflix, .

List of full Starcast and crew members of Drive (2019)

Full Starcast:

profie photo of Sushant Singh RajputName: Sushant Singh Rajput
Character: Samar

profie photo of Jacqueline FernandezName: Jacqueline Fernandez
Character: Tara

profie photo of Boman IraniName: Boman Irani
Character: Irfan

profie photo of Pankaj TripathiName: Pankaj Tripathi
Character: Hamid

profie photo of Sapna PabbiName: Sapna Pabbi
Character: Naina

profie photo of Vikramjeet VirkName: Vikramjeet Virk
Character: Bikki

Crew Members:

profie photo of Karan JoharName: Karan Johar
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Deepa BhatiaName: Deepa Bhatia
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Editor

profie photo of Hiroo JoharName: Hiroo Johar
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Tarun MansukhaniName: Tarun Mansukhani
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Director

profie photo of Tarun MansukhaniName: Tarun Mansukhani
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Story

profie photo of James SallisName: James Sallis
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Novel

profie photo of Mast AliName: Mast Ali
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Screenplay

profie photo of Stefan RichterName: Stefan Richter
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Stunt Coordinator

profie photo of Simon Van LammerenName: Simon Van Lammeren
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Stunt Coordinator

profie photo of Prashant ThakurName: Prashant Thakur
Department: Visual Effects
Job/Role: Visual Effects Supervisor

profie photo of Amit MishraName: Amit Mishra
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Playback Singer

profie photo of Vishal SinhaName: Vishal Sinha
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of Photography

profie photo of Tanishk BagchiName: Tanishk Bagchi
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Original Music Composer

profie photo of Vikram DahiyaName: Vikram Dahiya
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Stunt Coordinator

profie photo of Himalaya AgrawalName: Himalaya Agrawal
Department: Production
Job/Role: Casting Director

profie photo of Panchami GhavriName: Panchami Ghavri
Department: Production
Job/Role: Casting Director

profie photo of Himani BhatiaName: Himani Bhatia
Department: Costume & Make-Up
Job/Role: Costume Design

profie photo of Sanjana ShahName: Sanjana Shah
Department: Costume & Make-Up
Job/Role: Costume Design

profie photo of Asees KaurName: Asees Kaur
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Playback Singer

profie photo of Amartya RahutName: Amartya Rahut
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Original Music Composer

Movie Posters and Wallapapers - Drive (2019)

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