Movie basic details
Current status - Released
Total runtime - 82 mins.
Release date - 16-11-1962
Release year - 1962
Genres - Adventure, Mystery, Western
Overall ratings and scores for La barranca sangrienta:
Happiness Score - 4.7/10, World Popularity Score - 1.824/100, IMDB Score - 4.1, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 4.1/10, .
La barranca sangrienta movie has Total Global Votes - 3, Total IMD Votes - 11
La barranca sangrienta Movie Introduction: Movie La barranca sangrienta, release year 1962 is written by Federico Curiel, Antonio Orellana, Roberto Rodríguez and directed by Federico Curiel. The leading star-cast in this movie are Julio Alemán, Ana Bertha Lepe, Aurora Segura along with the other stars and crew members.
Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes
Movie overview and plot by Anagha Shashank
Movie in-short: Alberto and Leonor have a son, they find out that one of the masked men who attacked them was her nephew, things get difficult for them when they find out about a testament left by her grandmother.
Movie story-line: Alberto and Leonor have a son, they find out that one of the masked men who attacked them was her nephew, things get difficult for them when they find out about a testament left by her grandmother.
Movie synopsis: Alberto and Leonor have a son, they find out that one of the masked men who attacked them was her nephew, things get difficult for them when they find out about a testament left by her grandmother.
Highlights - La barranca sangrienta (1962)
Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - Películas Rodríguez
Produced in - Mexico
Available languages - Spanish (Español),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) -
Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of La barranca sangrienta (1962)
Lead Actors - Julio Alemán, Ana Bertha Lepe, Aurora Segura
Writer(s) - Federico Curiel, Antonio Orellana, Roberto Rodríguez
Director(s) - Federico Curiel
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about La barranca sangrienta (1962)
What is the release date of La barranca sangrienta (1962)?
Release date of La barranca sangrienta (1962) is 16-11-1962.
What is the total runtime of La barranca sangrienta (1962) in minutes?
Total runtime of La barranca sangrienta (1962) in minutes is 82 min.
What is the budget consumed to produce La barranca sangrienta (1962) movie?
The budget consumed to produce La barranca sangrienta (1962) movie is around $0.00.
How much revenue is expected from movie La barranca sangrienta (1962)?
Expected revenue from movie movie La barranca sangrienta (1962) is around $0.00.
What is the pupularity of La barranca sangrienta (1962)?
Worldwide pupularity of La barranca sangrienta (1962) movie is 1.824%.
What is the name of the production company of film La barranca sangrienta (1962)?
Production company of film La barranca sangrienta (1962) is/are Películas Rodríguez, .
Which country the film La barranca sangrienta (1962) is produced in?
Film production country for the film La barranca sangrienta (1962) is Mexico, .
Which language the film La barranca sangrienta (1962) is produced in?
Film La barranca sangrienta (1962) is produced in Spanish (Español), language(s).
Which Genre the film La barranca sangrienta (1962) belongs to?
Movie La barranca sangrienta (1962) is categorized under Adventure, Mystery, Western genre(s).
Who are the lead actors of the film La barranca sangrienta (1962)?
Lead actors of the film La barranca sangrienta (1962) are Julio Alemán, Ana Bertha Lepe, Aurora Segura.
Who is the writer of the film La barranca sangrienta (1962)?
The writer(s) of the film La barranca sangrienta (1962) is/are Federico Curiel, Antonio Orellana, Roberto Rodríguez.
Who is the director of the film La barranca sangrienta (1962)?
The director(s) of the film La barranca sangrienta (1962) is/are Federico Curiel.
Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by La barranca sangrienta (1962) movie?
Movie La barranca sangrienta (1962) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.
What is the story of La barranca sangrienta (1962) in-short?
Short plot of movie La barranca sangrienta (1962): Alberto and Leonor have a son, they find out that one of the masked men who attacked them was her nephew, things get difficult for them when they find out about a testament left by her grandmother..
What is the full story of La barranca sangrienta (1962) movie?
Full plot of movie La barranca sangrienta (1962): Alberto and Leonor have a son, they find out that one of the masked men who attacked them was her nephew, things get difficult for them when they find out about a testament left by her grandmother..
Where to find full details of La barranca sangrienta (1962) movie?
You can find the full details of movie La barranca sangrienta (1962) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0054666
Where to stream or watch movie La barranca sangrienta (1962) online?
You can stream or watch online movie La barranca sangrienta (1962) on .
List of full Starcast and crew members of La barranca sangrienta (1962)
Full Starcast:
Name: Julio Alemán
Character: AlbertoName: Ana Bertha Lepe
Character: Leonor SandovalName: Aurora Segura
Character: Rebeca UribeName: Fanny Schiller
Character: Doña Blanca (as Fanny Shyler)Name: Óscar Pulido
Character: PetroniloName: Antonio Raxel
Character: Don JustoName: Quintín Bulnes
Character: AurelioName: Víctor Velázquez
Character: ComisarioName: Emma Roldán
Character: Chole (as Ema Roldan)Name: Arturo Soto Rangel
Character: Señor curaName: Angelita Castagni
Character: Name: Alberto Mariscal
Character: Name: Gloria Leticia Ortiz
Character: Name: Joaquín Roche
Character: Name: José Rojo de la Vega
Crew Members:
Name: Fernando Colín
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of PhotographyName: José Juan Munguía
Department: Editing
Job/Role: EditorName: Arcadi Artis Gener
Department: Production
Job/Role: Production DesignerName: Federico Curiel
Department: Directing
Job/Role: DirectorName: Federico Curiel
Department: Writing
Job/Role: AdaptationName: Federico Curiel
Department: Sound
Job/Role: SongsName: Federico Curiel
Department: Writing
Job/Role: StoryName: Antonio Orellana
Department: Writing
Job/Role: AdaptationName: Antonio Orellana
Department: Writing
Job/Role: StoryName: Roberto Rodríguez
Department: Production
Job/Role: ProducerName: Roberto Rodríguez
Department: Writing
Job/Role: IdeaName: Alberto Mariscal
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Second Unit DirectorName: Enrico C. Cabiati
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Original Music ComposerName: Raúl Domínguez
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Camera OperatorName: Sergio Soto
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Editorial CoordinatorName: Luis García de León
Department: Production
Job/Role: Production ManagerName: Luis Quintanilla Rico
Department: Production
Job/Role: Production ManagerName: Enrique Rodríguez
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Sound RecordistName: Enrique L. Rendón Jaramillo
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Sound RecordistName: Chema Hernández
Department: Crew
Job/Role: OtherName: Javier Sierra
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Special EffectsName: Lilia Lupercio
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Editorial StaffName: Héctor López C.
Department: Art
Job/Role: Title DesignerName: Jose Medardo García
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Script Supervisor
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