Movie basic details
Current status - Released
Total runtime - 105 mins.
Release date - 05-07-1996
Release year - 1996
Genres - Drama, Romance, Thriller
Overall ratings and scores for Daraar:
Happiness Score - 8.3/10, World Popularity Score - 0.6/100, IMDB Score - 5.3, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 5.3/10, .
Daraar movie has Total Global Votes - 3, Total IMD Votes - 548
Daraar Movie Introduction: Movie Daraar, release year 1996 is written by Aadesh K. Arjun, Sachin Bhowmick and directed by Abbas Alibhai Burmawalla, Mastan Alibhai Burmawalla. The leading star-cast in this movie are Rishi Kapoor, Juhi Chawla, Arbaaz Khan along with the other stars and crew members.
Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes
Movie overview and plot by Anagha Shashank
Movie in-short: Rich industrialist Raj meets Priya in Shimla and falls madly in love with her, but she ignores him. Her mother tells her she should marry him as he is a good person, and she should tell him everything about her past. Priya writes ...
Movie story-line: Raj Malhotra lives with his mother, and comes from a very wealthy family. He meets Priya Bhatia, who works with a real estate agency, and instantly falls in love with her.
Movie synopsis: Raj is a rich industrialist he meets Priya in Shimla and is madly in love with her.But Priya ignores him all the time Priya's mother tells her that she should marry Raj as he is a good person and tell him everything about her past.Priya writes a letter to Raj which is misplaced by his servant Hari who replaces it with another letter.Raj is shocked to find from Priya's mother that she was married earlier and is angry that she never disclosed it.Hari finds Priya's letter in his coat and gives it to Raj.Priya has mentioned everything about her past in it that she was married to an abusive and over caring husband Vikram who had made her life hell.She managed to run away from him and started a new life in Shimla.Raj forgives and accepts Priya after finding the truth.Vikram who believed that Priya died due to drowning finds that she is alive and about to get married to Raj.Vikram manages to trace them in Shimla and tries to kill Raj on failing he send shim to jail and goes to kill Priya.
Highlights - Daraar (1996)
Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by -
Produced in - India
Available languages - Hindi (हिन्दी),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - 1 win & 1 nomination
Certificate(s) -
Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Daraar (1996)
Lead Actors - Rishi Kapoor, Juhi Chawla, Arbaaz Khan
Writer(s) - Aadesh K. Arjun, Sachin Bhowmick
Director(s) - Abbas Alibhai Burmawalla, Mastan Alibhai Burmawalla
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Daraar (1996)
What is the release date of Daraar (1996)?
Release date of Daraar (1996) is 05-07-1996.
What is the total runtime of Daraar (1996) in minutes?
Total runtime of Daraar (1996) in minutes is 105 min.
What is the budget consumed to produce Daraar (1996) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Daraar (1996) movie is around $0.00.
How much revenue is expected from movie Daraar (1996)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Daraar (1996) is around $0.00.
What is the pupularity of Daraar (1996)?
Worldwide pupularity of Daraar (1996) movie is 0.6%.
What is the name of the production company of film Daraar (1996)?
Production company of film Daraar (1996) is/are .
Which country the film Daraar (1996) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Daraar (1996) is India, .
Which language the film Daraar (1996) is produced in?
Film Daraar (1996) is produced in Hindi (हिन्दी), language(s).
Which Genre the film Daraar (1996) belongs to?
Movie Daraar (1996) is categorized under Action, Drama, Romance genre(s).
Who are the lead actors of the film Daraar (1996)?
Lead actors of the film Daraar (1996) are Rishi Kapoor, Juhi Chawla, Arbaaz Khan.
Who is the writer of the film Daraar (1996)?
The writer(s) of the film Daraar (1996) is/are Aadesh K. Arjun, Sachin Bhowmick.
Who is the director of the film Daraar (1996)?
The director(s) of the film Daraar (1996) is/are Abbas Alibhai Burmawalla, Mastan Alibhai Burmawalla.
Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Daraar (1996) movie?
Movie Daraar (1996) has 1 win & 1 nomination awards and nomination in it's profile.
What is the story of Daraar (1996) in-short?
Short plot of movie Daraar (1996): Rich industrialist Raj meets Priya in Shimla and falls madly in love with her, but she ignores him. Her mother tells her she should marry him as he is a good person, and she should tell him everything about her past. Priya writes ....
What is the full story of Daraar (1996) movie?
Full plot of movie Daraar (1996): Raj is a rich industrialist he meets Priya in Shimla and is madly in love with her.But Priya ignores him all the time Priya's mother tells her that she should marry Raj as he is a good person and tell him everything about her past.Priya writes a letter to Raj which is misplaced by his servant Hari who replaces it with another letter.Raj is shocked to find from Priya's mother that she was married earlier and is angry that she never disclosed it.Hari finds Priya's letter in his coat and gives it to Raj.Priya has mentioned everything about her past in it that she was married to an abusive and over caring husband Vikram who had made her life hell.She managed to run away from him and started a new life in Shimla.Raj forgives and accepts Priya after finding the truth.Vikram who believed that Priya died due to drowning finds that she is alive and about to get married to Raj.Vikram manages to trace them in Shimla and tries to kill Raj on failing he send shim to jail and goes to kill Priya..
Where to find full details of Daraar (1996) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Daraar (1996) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116024
Where to stream or watch movie Daraar (1996) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Daraar (1996) on .
List of full Starcast and crew members of Daraar (1996)
Full Starcast:
Name: Rishi Kapoor
Character: Raj MalhotraName: Juhi Chawla
Character: Priya BhatiaName: Arbaaz Khan
Character: VikramName: Sulabha Arya
Character: Nirmala BhatiaName: Sushma Seth
Character: Mrs. MalhotraName: Razak Khan
Character: Berang LucknowiName: Tiku Talsania
Character: Name: Shiva Rindani
Character: Stranger (uncredited)
Crew Members:
Name: Mastan Alibhai Burmawalla
Department: Directing
Job/Role: DirectorName: Abbas Alibhai Burmawalla
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Director
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