Heera Panna (1973)

January 4, 2023
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Heera Panna (1973)    Listen Movie Details
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Movie basic details

Current status - Released
Total runtime - 0 mins.
Release date - 01-01-1973
Release year - 1973
Genres - Drama, Romance

Overall ratings and scores for Heera Panna:
Happiness Score - 0/10, World Popularity Score - 0.84/100, IMDB Score - 6.3, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 6.3/10, .
Heera Panna movie has Total Global Votes - 0, Total IMD Votes - 252

Heera Panna Movie Introduction: Movie Heera Panna, release year 1973 is written by Dev Anand, Suraj Sanim and directed by Dev Anand. The leading star-cast in this movie are Dev Anand, Zeenat Aman, Rakhee Gulzar along with the other stars and crew members.

Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes

Movie overview and plot by

Movie in-short: During Raja Sahib's party a priceless diamond is stolen by Panna and his aide Kamal.Also present at the party is Heera a photographer currently working on a assignment of bikini models Panna hides the diamond in petrol tank of his...

Movie story-line: Heera has two passions in his life, namely his love for Reema, an air-hostess, and photography. When Reema passes away during an airplane accident, Heera is left with only passion in life - photography. During one of his photographic sessions with Raja Saab, a priceless diamond is stolen by Panna, and is hidden in Heera's car. When Heera comes to know about this theft and that he is in possession of stolen property, he decides to turn Panna in to the police, and that's when he comes to know that Panna is Reema's younger sister.

Movie synopsis: Heera has two passions in his life, namely his love for Reema, an air-hostess, and photography. When Reema passes away during an airplane accident, Heera is left with only passion in life - photography. During one of his photographic sessions with Raja Saab, a priceless diamond is stolen by Panna, and is hidden in Heera's car. When Heera comes to know about this theft and that he is in possession of stolen property, he decides to turn Panna in to the police, and that's when he comes to know that Panna is Reema's younger sister.

Highlights - Heera Panna (1973)

Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - Navketan International Films
Produced in - India
Available languages - Hindi (हिन्दी),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) -

Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Heera Panna (1973)

Lead Actors - Dev Anand, Zeenat Aman, Rakhee Gulzar
Writer(s) - Dev Anand, Suraj Sanim
Director(s) - Dev Anand

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Heera Panna (1973)

What is the release date of Heera Panna (1973)?
Release date of Heera Panna (1973) is 01-01-1973.

What is the total runtime of Heera Panna (1973) in minutes?
Total runtime of Heera Panna (1973) in minutes is N/A.

What is the budget consumed to produce Heera Panna (1973) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Heera Panna (1973) movie is around $0.00.

How much revenue is expected from movie Heera Panna (1973)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Heera Panna (1973) is around $0.00.

What is the pupularity of Heera Panna (1973)?
Worldwide pupularity of Heera Panna (1973) movie is 0.84%.

What is the name of the production company of film Heera Panna (1973)?
Production company of film Heera Panna (1973) is/are Navketan International Films, .

Which country the film Heera Panna (1973) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Heera Panna (1973) is India, .

Which language the film Heera Panna (1973) is produced in?
Film Heera Panna (1973) is produced in Hindi (हिन्दी), language(s).

Which Genre the film Heera Panna (1973) belongs to?
Movie Heera Panna (1973) is categorized under Romance genre(s).

Who are the lead actors of the film Heera Panna (1973)?
Lead actors of the film Heera Panna (1973) are Dev Anand, Zeenat Aman, Rakhee Gulzar.

Who is the writer of the film Heera Panna (1973)?
The writer(s) of the film Heera Panna (1973) is/are Dev Anand, Suraj Sanim.

Who is the director of the film Heera Panna (1973)?
The director(s) of the film Heera Panna (1973) is/are Dev Anand.

Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Heera Panna (1973) movie?
Movie Heera Panna (1973) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.

What is the story of Heera Panna (1973) in-short?
Short plot of movie Heera Panna (1973): During Raja Sahib's party a priceless diamond is stolen by Panna and his aide Kamal.Also present at the party is Heera a photographer currently working on a assignment of bikini models Panna hides the diamond in petrol tank of his....

What is the full story of Heera Panna (1973) movie?
Full plot of movie Heera Panna (1973): Heera has two passions in his life, namely his love for Reema, an air-hostess, and photography. When Reema passes away during an airplane accident, Heera is left with only passion in life - photography. During one of his photographic sessions with Raja Saab, a priceless diamond is stolen by Panna, and is hidden in Heera's car. When Heera comes to know about this theft and that he is in possession of stolen property, he decides to turn Panna in to the police, and that's when he comes to know that Panna is Reema's younger sister..

Where to find full details of Heera Panna (1973) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Heera Panna (1973) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0154578

Where to stream or watch movie Heera Panna (1973) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Heera Panna (1973) on .

List of full Starcast and crew members of Heera Panna (1973)

Full Starcast:

profie photo of Dev AnandName: Dev Anand
Character: Heera

profie photo of Zeenat AmanName: Zeenat Aman
Character: Panna

profie photo of Rakhee GulzarName: Rakhee Gulzar
Character: Reema

profie photo of RehmanName: Rehman
Character: Raja Sahib

profie photo of JeevanName: Jeevan
Character: Hari

profie photo of PaintalName: Paintal
Character: Kamal

profie photo of SudhirName: Sudhir

profie photo of SheetalName: Sheetal

profie photo of A.K. HangalName: A.K. Hangal

profie photo of Mac MohanName: Mac Mohan

profie photo of Dheeraj KumarName: Dheeraj Kumar

profie photo of NeelamName: Neelam

Crew Members:

profie photo of Rahul Dev BurmanName: Rahul Dev Burman
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Original Music Composer

profie photo of Dev AnandName: Dev Anand
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Director

profie photo of Dev AnandName: Dev Anand
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Babu SheikhName: Babu Sheikh
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Editor

profie photo of Kalpana KartikName: Kalpana Kartik
Department: Production
Job/Role: Associate Producer

profie photo of Fali MistryName: Fali Mistry
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of Photography

Movie Posters and Wallapapers - Heera Panna (1973)

movie poster 413901tt0154578-1movie poster 413901tt0154578-2movie poster 413901tt0154578-3

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