Movie basic details
Current status - Released
Total runtime - 146 mins.
Release date - 16-06-2018
Release year - 2018
Genres - Comedy, Drama, Romance
Overall ratings and scores for Poramon 2:
Happiness Score - 6.2/10, World Popularity Score - 0.995/100, IMDB Score - 6.5, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 6.5/10, .
Poramon 2 movie has Total Global Votes - 4, Total IMD Votes - 1,451
Poramon 2 Movie Introduction: Movie Poramon 2, release year 2018 is written by Raihan Rafi, Md Parvez Hossain, Delowar Hossain Dil and directed by Raihan Rafi. The leading star-cast in this movie are Siam Ahmed, Puja Cherry Roy, Bapparaj along with the other stars and crew members.
Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes
Poramon 2 Official Trailer | Siam | Pujja | Rafi | Sayed Babu | Bapparaj | Jaaz Multimedia Eid 2018
Movie overview and plot by Anagha Shashank
Movie in-short: The only girl of day laborer Kafil Mia, Jasmine, committed suicide by hanging herself on the darkness of the night, because her lover Kabir betrayed her. Since self-murder is not accepted in Islam, there is no place for the funera...
Movie story-line: A day laborer searches for hope and strength after his daughter commits suicide.
Movie synopsis: The only girl of day laborer Kafil Mia, Jasmine, committed suicide by hanging herself on the darkness of the night, because her lover Kabir betrayed her. Since self-murder is not accepted in Islam, there is no place for the funeral and grave of Jasmine's dead body in the Islam inhabited Shwapnopuri village. A mosque imam and an influential rich man of the village with the help of Badrul Talukder did not let the funeral and grave take place in the village. Kafil Mia digs his daughter's grave in the Khas land (government owned land) on the bank of the river and performs her funeral. No one from the village took part in the funeral but, a small ten year old boy Sujan did. Kafil Mia could not accept his daughters death, but he begins to search for hope and strength in the midst of this tragedy.
Highlights - Poramon 2 (2018)
Total budget - $238,606.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - Jaaz Multimedia
Produced in - Bangladesh
Available languages - Bengali (বাংলা),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) -
Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Poramon 2 (2018)
Lead Actors - Siam Ahmed, Puja Cherry Roy, Bapparaj
Writer(s) - Raihan Rafi, Md Parvez Hossain, Delowar Hossain Dil
Director(s) - Raihan Rafi
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Poramon 2 (2018)
What is the release date of Poramon 2 (2018)?
Release date of Poramon 2 (2018) is 16-06-2018.
What is the total runtime of Poramon 2 (2018) in minutes?
Total runtime of Poramon 2 (2018) in minutes is 146 min.
What is the budget consumed to produce Poramon 2 (2018) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Poramon 2 (2018) movie is around $238,606.00.
How much revenue is expected from movie Poramon 2 (2018)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Poramon 2 (2018) is around $0.00.
What is the pupularity of Poramon 2 (2018)?
Worldwide pupularity of Poramon 2 (2018) movie is 0.995%.
What is the name of the production company of film Poramon 2 (2018)?
Production company of film Poramon 2 (2018) is/are Jaaz Multimedia, .
Which country the film Poramon 2 (2018) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Poramon 2 (2018) is Bangladesh, .
Which language the film Poramon 2 (2018) is produced in?
Film Poramon 2 (2018) is produced in Bengali (বাংলা), language(s).
Which Genre the film Poramon 2 (2018) belongs to?
Movie Poramon 2 (2018) is categorized under Drama, Romance genre(s).
Who are the lead actors of the film Poramon 2 (2018)?
Lead actors of the film Poramon 2 (2018) are Siam Ahmed, Puja Cherry Roy, Bapparaj.
Who is the writer of the film Poramon 2 (2018)?
The writer(s) of the film Poramon 2 (2018) is/are Raihan Rafi, Md Parvez Hossain, Delowar Hossain Dil.
Who is the director of the film Poramon 2 (2018)?
The director(s) of the film Poramon 2 (2018) is/are Raihan Rafi.
Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Poramon 2 (2018) movie?
Movie Poramon 2 (2018) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.
What is the story of Poramon 2 (2018) in-short?
Short plot of movie Poramon 2 (2018): The only girl of day laborer Kafil Mia, Jasmine, committed suicide by hanging herself on the darkness of the night, because her lover Kabir betrayed her. Since self-murder is not accepted in Islam, there is no place for the funera....
What is the full story of Poramon 2 (2018) movie?
Full plot of movie Poramon 2 (2018): The only girl of day laborer Kafil Mia, Jasmine, committed suicide by hanging herself on the darkness of the night, because her lover Kabir betrayed her. Since self-murder is not accepted in Islam, there is no place for the funeral and grave of Jasmine's dead body in the Islam inhabited Shwapnopuri village. A mosque imam and an influential rich man of the village with the help of Badrul Talukder did not let the funeral and grave take place in the village. Kafil Mia digs his daughter's grave in the Khas land (government owned land) on the bank of the river and performs her funeral. No one from the village took part in the funeral but, a small ten year old boy Sujan did. Kafil Mia could not accept his daughters death, but he begins to search for hope and strength in the midst of this tragedy..
Where to find full details of Poramon 2 (2018) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Poramon 2 (2018) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6750884
Where to stream or watch movie Poramon 2 (2018) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Poramon 2 (2018) on .
List of full Starcast and crew members of Poramon 2 (2018)
Full Starcast:
Name: Siam Ahmed
Character: Sujon ShahName: Puja Cherry Roy
Character: PoriName: Fazlur Rahman Babu
Character: KafilName: Nader Chowdhury
Character: Mr. TalukderName: Sayeed Babu
Character: Moksed TalukderName: Rakibul Hasan Mahmud
Character: Araf
Crew Members:
Name: Raihan Rafi
Department: Directing
Job/Role: DirectorName: Saiful Saheen
Department: Crew
Job/Role: CinematographyName: Mohmmad Kalam
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Editor
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