K-13 (2019)

December 28, 2022
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5.7/10 57%
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K-13 (2019) on global platforms:

K-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in AD country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in AE country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in AG country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in AL country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in AR country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in AT country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in AU country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in BA country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in BB country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in BE country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in BG country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in BH country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in BM country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in BO country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in BR country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in BS country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in CA country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in CH country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in CI country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in CL country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in CO country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in CR country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in CU country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in CV country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in CZ country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in DE country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in DK country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in DO country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in DZ country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in EC country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in EE country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in EG country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in ES country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in FI country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in FJ country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in FR country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in GB country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in GF country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in GG country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in GH country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in GI country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in GQ country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in GR country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in GT country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in HK country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in HN country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in HR country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in HU country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in ID country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in IE country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in IL country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in IN country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in IQ country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in IS country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in IT country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in JM country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in JO country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in JP country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in KE country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in KR country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in KW country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in LB country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in LC country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in LI country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in LT country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in LV country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in LY country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in MA country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in MC country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in MD country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in MK country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in MT country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in MU country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in MX country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in MY country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in MZ country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in NE country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in NG country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in NL country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in NO country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in NZ country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in OM country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in PA country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in PE country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in PF country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in PH country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in PK country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in PL country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in PS country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in PT country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in PY country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in QA country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in RO country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in RS country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in RU country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in SA country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in SC country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in SE country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in SG country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in SI country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in SK country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in SM country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in SN country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in SV country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in TC country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in TH country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in TN country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in TR country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in TT country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in TW country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in TZ country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in UG country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in US country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in UY country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in VA country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in VE country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in XK country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in YE country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in ZA country/region to watch/stream onlineK-13 (2019) movie is available to watch/stream on Sun Nxt   Sun Nxt has made K-13 (2019) movie available in ZM country/region to watch/stream online

Movie basic details

Current status - Released
Total runtime - 103 mins.
Release date - 03-05-2019
Release year - 2019
Genres - Thriller

Overall ratings and scores for K-13:
Happiness Score - 5.7/10, World Popularity Score - 0.6/100, IMDB Score - 6.0, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 6.0/10, .
K-13 movie has Total Global Votes - 3, Total IMD Votes - 468

K-13 Movie Introduction: Movie K-13, release year 2019 is written by Barath Neelakantan and directed by Barath Neelakantan. The leading star-cast in this movie are Arulnithi, Shraddha Srinath, Adhik Ravichandran along with the other stars and crew members.

Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes

Movie overview and plot by

Movie in-short: An inebriated filmmaker finds himself in a shocking situation when he realises that the mysterious girl who accompanied him to her room has been killed.

Movie story-line: While partying with his friends on a night, a young man bumps into a beautiful young woman. What first looks like a one night stand soon turns into a night that he cannot forget.

Movie synopsis: While partying with his friends on a night, a young man bumps into a beautiful young woman. What first looks like a one night stand at her apartment soon turns into a nightmare, when he wakes up and realizes that the girl is lying dead next to him. He must now find a way to get out of the chaos that follows and escape from the apartment.

Highlights - K-13 (2019)

Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - SP Cinemas
Produced in -
Available languages - Tamil (தமிழ்),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) - IN : UA

Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of K-13 (2019)

Lead Actors - Arulnithi, Shraddha Srinath, Adhik Ravichandran
Writer(s) - Barath Neelakantan
Director(s) - Barath Neelakantan

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about K-13 (2019)

What is the release date of K-13 (2019)?
Release date of K-13 (2019) is 03-05-2019.

What is the total runtime of K-13 (2019) in minutes?
Total runtime of K-13 (2019) in minutes is 103 min.

What is the budget consumed to produce K-13 (2019) movie?
The budget consumed to produce K-13 (2019) movie is around $0.00.

How much revenue is expected from movie K-13 (2019)?
Expected revenue from movie movie K-13 (2019) is around $0.00.

What is the pupularity of K-13 (2019)?
Worldwide pupularity of K-13 (2019) movie is 0.6%.

What is the name of the production company of film K-13 (2019)?
Production company of film K-13 (2019) is/are SP Cinemas, .

Which country the film K-13 (2019) is produced in?
Film production country for the film K-13 (2019) is .

Which language the film K-13 (2019) is produced in?
Film K-13 (2019) is produced in Tamil (தமிழ்), language(s).

Which Genre the film K-13 (2019) belongs to?
Movie K-13 (2019) is categorized under Action, Drama, Mystery genre(s).

Who are the lead actors of the film K-13 (2019)?
Lead actors of the film K-13 (2019) are Arulnithi, Shraddha Srinath, Adhik Ravichandran.

Who is the writer of the film K-13 (2019)?
The writer(s) of the film K-13 (2019) is/are Barath Neelakantan.

Who is the director of the film K-13 (2019)?
The director(s) of the film K-13 (2019) is/are Barath Neelakantan.

Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by K-13 (2019) movie?
Movie K-13 (2019) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.

What is the story of K-13 (2019) in-short?
Short plot of movie K-13 (2019): An inebriated filmmaker finds himself in a shocking situation when he realises that the mysterious girl who accompanied him to her room has been killed..

What is the full story of K-13 (2019) movie?
Full plot of movie K-13 (2019): While partying with his friends on a night, a young man bumps into a beautiful young woman. What first looks like a one night stand at her apartment soon turns into a nightmare, when he wakes up and realizes that the girl is lying dead next to him. He must now find a way to get out of the chaos that follows and escape from the apartment..

Where to find full details of K-13 (2019) movie?
You can find the full details of movie K-13 (2019) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10275440

Where to stream or watch movie K-13 (2019) online?
You can stream or watch online movie K-13 (2019) on Sun Nxt, .

List of full Starcast and crew members of K-13 (2019)

Full Starcast:

profie photo of ArulnithiName: Arulnithi
Character: Madhiazhagan

profie photo of Shraddha SrinathName: Shraddha Srinath
Character: Malarvizhi Bharatidhasan

profie photo of Gayathrie ShankarName: Gayathrie Shankar
Character: Pavithra

profie photo of Yogi BabuName: Yogi Babu
Character: Courier Boy

profie photo of Vijay KumarName: Vijay Kumar
Character: Madhiazhagan's friend

profie photo of Ramesh ThilakName: Ramesh Thilak
Character: Madhiazhagan's friend

profie photo of Jangiri MadhumithaName: Jangiri Madhumitha

profie photo of Adhik RavichandranName: Adhik Ravichandran
Character: Vijay (cameo)

profie photo of Lizzie AntonyName: Lizzie Antony
Character: Inspector Thangam

Crew Members:

profie photo of T. UdayakumarName: T. Udayakumar
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Sound Designer

profie photo of Antony L. RubenName: Antony L. Ruben
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Editor

profie photo of Sam C SName: Sam C S
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Original Music Composer

profie photo of Sam C SName: Sam C S
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Playback Singer

profie photo of Sam C SName: Sam C S
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Lyricist

profie photo of Aravinnd SinghName: Aravinnd Singh
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of Photography

profie photo of Suresh MerlinName: Suresh Merlin
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Still Photographer

profie photo of Suresh ChandraName: Suresh Chandra
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Public Relations

profie photo of ThamaraiName: Thamarai
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Lyricist

profie photo of Yuvraj GanesanName: Yuvraj Ganesan
Department: Production
Job/Role: Publicist

profie photo of Yuvraj GanesanName: Yuvraj Ganesan
Department: Art
Job/Role: Title Designer

profie photo of Swagatha S. KrishnanName: Swagatha S. Krishnan
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Playback Singer

profie photo of M. Saravanan KumarName: M. Saravanan Kumar
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Sound Mixer

profie photo of Renjith VenugopalName: Renjith Venugopal
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Sound Mixer

profie photo of Nikhita GandhiName: Nikhita Gandhi
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Playback Singer

profie photo of Barath NeelakantanName: Barath Neelakantan
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Screenplay

profie photo of Barath NeelakantanName: Barath Neelakantan
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Director

profie photo of Barath NeelakantanName: Barath Neelakantan
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Dialogue

profie photo of Barath NeelakantanName: Barath Neelakantan
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Story

profie photo of Barath NeelakantanName: Barath Neelakantan
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Lyricist

profie photo of S P SankarName: S P Sankar
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Santha PriyaName: Santha Priya
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Kishore SampathName: Kishore Sampath
Department: Production
Job/Role: Co-Producer

profie photo of Tesha Sree TName: Tesha Sree T
Department: Production
Job/Role: Co-Producer

profie photo of Sathish Kumar DName: Sathish Kumar D
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive Producer

profie photo of Sivakumar M KName: Sivakumar M K
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Production Controller

profie photo of KamalanathanName: Kamalanathan
Department: Art
Job/Role: Art Direction

profie photo of Priyanka Prithivirajan SanthoshName: Priyanka Prithivirajan Santhosh
Department: Costume & Make-Up
Job/Role: Costume Design

profie photo of Azhar MasterName: Azhar Master
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Choreographer

Movie Posters and Wallapapers - K-13 (2019)

movie poster 599653tt10275440-1movie poster 599653tt10275440-2movie poster 599653tt10275440-3movie poster 599653tt10275440-4movie poster 599653tt10275440-5

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