Arangetram (1973)

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Arangetram (1973)    Listen Movie Details
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Movie basic details

Current status - Released
Total runtime - 152 mins.
Release date - 02-02-1973
Release year - 1973
Genres - Drama, Family, Romance

Overall ratings and scores for Arangetram:
Happiness Score - 0/10, World Popularity Score - 1.169/100, IMDB Score - 7.3, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 7.3/10, .
Arangetram movie has Total Global Votes - 0, Total IMD Votes - 114

Arangetram Movie Introduction: Movie Arangetram, release year 1973 is written by N/A and directed by K. Balachander. The leading star-cast in this movie are Pramila, Sivakumar, Kamal Haasan along with the other stars and crew members.

Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes

Movie overview and plot by

Movie in-short: When a Brahmin family finds diminishing monetary opportunities in traditional priestly functions, the daughter must go out and work.

Movie story-line: Lalitha is the eldest daughter of a pious and conservative Brahmin family. She has eight siblings and poverty rules reign. She decides to take up the family mantle and goes to work. Due to family needs and ill fate, she ends up as a prostitute but manages to settle all her brothers and sisters. Her family ditches her when they come to know about her dark side. Thangavelu, a man who was once rejected by her marries her. She loses her sanity in the end.

Movie synopsis: Lalitha, the eldest daughter of a Brahmin family, is saddled with the responsibility of supporting her family, led by a father who witlessly procreates to a robust size of 10 household members. As poverty gets worse, Lalitha must turn to desperate measures to keep the food coming. Interesting comment on gender, tradition, and the caste crisis, slightly bold for its time. Lalitha's doctor-wannabe kid-brother also figures in the story.

Highlights - Arangetram (1973)

Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - Kalakendra Movies
Produced in - India
Available languages - Tamil (தமிழ்),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) - IN : U

Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Arangetram (1973)

Lead Actors - Pramila, Sivakumar, Kamal Haasan
Writer(s) - N/A
Director(s) - K. Balachander

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Arangetram (1973)

What is the release date of Arangetram (1973)?
Release date of Arangetram (1973) is 02-02-1973.

What is the total runtime of Arangetram (1973) in minutes?
Total runtime of Arangetram (1973) in minutes is 152 min.

What is the budget consumed to produce Arangetram (1973) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Arangetram (1973) movie is around $0.00.

How much revenue is expected from movie Arangetram (1973)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Arangetram (1973) is around $0.00.

What is the pupularity of Arangetram (1973)?
Worldwide pupularity of Arangetram (1973) movie is 1.169%.

What is the name of the production company of film Arangetram (1973)?
Production company of film Arangetram (1973) is/are Kalakendra Movies, .

Which country the film Arangetram (1973) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Arangetram (1973) is India, .

Which language the film Arangetram (1973) is produced in?
Film Arangetram (1973) is produced in Tamil (தமிழ்), language(s).

Which Genre the film Arangetram (1973) belongs to?
Movie Arangetram (1973) is categorized under Drama genre(s).

Who are the lead actors of the film Arangetram (1973)?
Lead actors of the film Arangetram (1973) are Pramila, Sivakumar, Kamal Haasan.

Who is the writer of the film Arangetram (1973)?
The writer(s) of the film Arangetram (1973) is/are N/A.

Who is the director of the film Arangetram (1973)?
The director(s) of the film Arangetram (1973) is/are K. Balachander.

Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Arangetram (1973) movie?
Movie Arangetram (1973) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.

What is the story of Arangetram (1973) in-short?
Short plot of movie Arangetram (1973): When a Brahmin family finds diminishing monetary opportunities in traditional priestly functions, the daughter must go out and work..

What is the full story of Arangetram (1973) movie?
Full plot of movie Arangetram (1973): Lalitha, the eldest daughter of a Brahmin family, is saddled with the responsibility of supporting her family, led by a father who witlessly procreates to a robust size of 10 household members. As poverty gets worse, Lalitha must turn to desperate measures to keep the food coming. Interesting comment on gender, tradition, and the caste crisis, slightly bold for its time. Lalitha's doctor-wannabe kid-brother also figures in the story..

Where to find full details of Arangetram (1973) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Arangetram (1973) at

Where to stream or watch movie Arangetram (1973) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Arangetram (1973) on Eros Now, MX Player, .

List of full Starcast and crew members of Arangetram (1973)

Full Starcast:

profie photo of PrameelaName: Prameela
Character: Lalitha

profie photo of S. V. SubbaiahName: S. V. Subbaiah
Character: Ramu Shastrigal

profie photo of SivakumarName: Sivakumar
Character: Thangavelu

profie photo of Kamal HaasanName: Kamal Haasan
Character: Thyagu

profie photo of SasikumarName: Sasikumar
Character: Pasupathy

profie photo of M. N. RajamName: M. N. Rajam
Character: Visalam

profie photo of M. S. Sundari BaiName: M. S. Sundari Bai
Character: Janaki

profie photo of SenthamaraiName: Senthamarai
Character: Nadesa Udayar

profie photo of R. NeelakantanName: R. Neelakantan
Character: Music teacher

profie photo of JayachitraName: Jayachitra
Character: Mangalam

profie photo of JayasudhaName: Jayasudha
Character: Devi

profie photo of JaishankarName: Jaishankar
Character: Cameo (Himself)

profie photo of LakshmiName: Lakshmi
Character: Cameo (Herself)

Crew Members:

profie photo of K. BalachanderName: K. Balachander
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Director

profie photo of K. BalachanderName: K. Balachander
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Writer

profie photo of V. GovindarajanName: V. Govindarajan
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of J DuraisamyName: J Duraisamy
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Kumar VName: Kumar V
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Music

profie photo of N. R. KittuName: N. R. Kittu
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Editor

profie photo of N. SelvarajName: N. Selvaraj
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of B. S. LokanathName: B. S. Lokanath
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of Photography

Movie Posters and Wallapapers - Arangetram (1973)

movie poster 323951tt0154162-1movie poster 323951tt0154162-2

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