Nai Roshni (1967)

January 4, 2023
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Nai Roshni (1967)    Listen Movie Details
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Movie basic details

Current status - Released
Total runtime - 0 mins.
Release date - 01-01-1967
Release year - 1967
Genres - Drama, Family

Overall ratings and scores for Nai Roshni:
Happiness Score - 0/10, World Popularity Score - 1.091/100, IMDB Score - 6.6, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 6.6/10, .
Nai Roshni movie has Total Global Votes - 0, Total IMD Votes - 28

Nai Roshni Movie Introduction: Movie Nai Roshni, release year 1967 is written by N.S. Bedi, Nihar Ranjan Gupta, Rajendra Krishan and directed by C.V. Sridhar. The leading star-cast in this movie are Ashok Kumar, Mala Sinha, Raaj Kumar along with the other stars and crew members.

Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes

Movie overview and plot by

Movie in-short: Professor Kumar lives a wealthy life with his wife, a son, Jyoti, and two daughters, Rekha and Chitra. His son is addicted to alcohol and stays away from home, often returning late at night or not at all. Rekha is traditional, ort...

Movie story-line: The film is a social drama, with its plot around university professor Dr. Kumar (Ashok Kumar), who lives with his wife Padma (Bhanumati), his drunkard son Jyoti (Raaj Kumar), outgoing daughter Chitra (Tanuja) and his friend's daughter Rekha (Mala Sinha). Dr. Kumar and his wife have a different outlook towards life, with him preferring books and philosophy, while his wife Padma prefers social gatherings and society clubs. Padma never considered Jyoti her son, who works as a mill designer, a profession she considers too poor to acknowledge. Chitra is encouraged by her mother to mingle freely in high society, much to the disappointment of her worried father.

Movie synopsis: Professor Kumar lives a wealthy life with his wife, a son, Jyoti, and two daughters, Rekha and Chitra. His son is addicted to alcohol and stays away from home, often returning late at night or not at all. Rekha is traditional, orthodox, and is willing to marry the man of her father's choice. Chitra, on the other hand is the opposite, extrovert, outgoing, and having an affair with a Judge's son, Ramesh. Chitra soon finds out that Ramesh is an alcoholic, and a womanizer, but she would still like him to marry her, as she is expecting his child. Then a young man, Prakash, finds out that Prof. Kumar had an affair with his mother, Parvati, and abandoned her in a pregnant state, when he found out that she was going to lose her vision. Prakash now wants to expose this two-faced professor, and get some justice for his mother. Faced with a scandal over his pregnant daughter, will Kumar be able to handle Prakash's accusations?

Highlights - Nai Roshni (1967)

Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by -
Produced in - India
Available languages - Hindi (हिन्दी),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) -

Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Nai Roshni (1967)

Lead Actors - Ashok Kumar, Mala Sinha, Raaj Kumar
Writer(s) - N.S. Bedi, Nihar Ranjan Gupta, Rajendra Krishan
Director(s) - C.V. Sridhar

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Nai Roshni (1967)

What is the release date of Nai Roshni (1967)?
Release date of Nai Roshni (1967) is 01-01-1967.

What is the total runtime of Nai Roshni (1967) in minutes?
Total runtime of Nai Roshni (1967) in minutes is 158 min.

What is the budget consumed to produce Nai Roshni (1967) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Nai Roshni (1967) movie is around $0.00.

How much revenue is expected from movie Nai Roshni (1967)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Nai Roshni (1967) is around $0.00.

What is the pupularity of Nai Roshni (1967)?
Worldwide pupularity of Nai Roshni (1967) movie is 1.091%.

What is the name of the production company of film Nai Roshni (1967)?
Production company of film Nai Roshni (1967) is/are .

Which country the film Nai Roshni (1967) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Nai Roshni (1967) is India, .

Which language the film Nai Roshni (1967) is produced in?
Film Nai Roshni (1967) is produced in Hindi (हिन्दी), language(s).

Which Genre the film Nai Roshni (1967) belongs to?
Movie Nai Roshni (1967) is categorized under Drama, Family genre(s).

Who are the lead actors of the film Nai Roshni (1967)?
Lead actors of the film Nai Roshni (1967) are Ashok Kumar, Mala Sinha, Raaj Kumar.

Who is the writer of the film Nai Roshni (1967)?
The writer(s) of the film Nai Roshni (1967) is/are N.S. Bedi, Nihar Ranjan Gupta, Rajendra Krishan.

Who is the director of the film Nai Roshni (1967)?
The director(s) of the film Nai Roshni (1967) is/are C.V. Sridhar.

Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Nai Roshni (1967) movie?
Movie Nai Roshni (1967) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.

What is the story of Nai Roshni (1967) in-short?
Short plot of movie Nai Roshni (1967): Professor Kumar lives a wealthy life with his wife, a son, Jyoti, and two daughters, Rekha and Chitra. His son is addicted to alcohol and stays away from home, often returning late at night or not at all. Rekha is traditional, ort....

What is the full story of Nai Roshni (1967) movie?
Full plot of movie Nai Roshni (1967): Professor Kumar lives a wealthy life with his wife, a son, Jyoti, and two daughters, Rekha and Chitra. His son is addicted to alcohol and stays away from home, often returning late at night or not at all. Rekha is traditional, orthodox, and is willing to marry the man of her father's choice. Chitra, on the other hand is the opposite, extrovert, outgoing, and having an affair with a Judge's son, Ramesh. Chitra soon finds out that Ramesh is an alcoholic, and a womanizer, but she would still like him to marry her, as she is expecting his child. Then a young man, Prakash, finds out that Prof. Kumar had an affair with his mother, Parvati, and abandoned her in a pregnant state, when he found out that she was going to lose her vision. Prakash now wants to expose this two-faced professor, and get some justice for his mother. Faced with a scandal over his pregnant daughter, will Kumar be able to handle Prakash's accusations?.

Where to find full details of Nai Roshni (1967) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Nai Roshni (1967) at

Where to stream or watch movie Nai Roshni (1967) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Nai Roshni (1967) on Eros Now Amazon Channel, Eros Now, .

List of full Starcast and crew members of Nai Roshni (1967)

Full Starcast:

profie photo of Ashok KumarName: Ashok Kumar
Character: Professor Kumar (as Padmashree Ashok Kumar)

profie photo of Mala SinhaName: Mala Sinha
Character: Rekha

profie photo of Biswajit ChatterjeeName: Biswajit Chatterjee
Character: Prakash

profie photo of Raaj KumarName: Raaj Kumar
Character: Jyoti Kumar

profie photo of BhanumathiName: Bhanumathi
Character: Padma, Professor Kumar's wife

profie photo of TanujaName: Tanuja
Character: Chitra Kumar, Professor Kumar's daughter

profie photo of Sulochana LatkarName: Sulochana Latkar
Character: Prakash's mother and Professor Kumar's first wife

profie photo of Asit SenName: Asit Sen
Character: Moti, Jyoti's friend at mill

profie photo of Anwar HussainName: Anwar Hussain
Character: Ramzan, Jyoti's rickshaw-puller friend

profie photo of Shachin Sailesh KumarName: Shachin Sailesh Kumar
Character: Ramesh Nath

profie photo of Chaman PuriName: Chaman Puri
Character: Principal

profie photo of Pahadi SanyalName: Pahadi Sanyal

Crew Members:

profie photo of C. V. SridharName: C. V. Sridhar
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Director

profie photo of RaviName: Ravi
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Music

profie photo of Nihar Ranjan GuptaName: Nihar Ranjan Gupta
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Story

Movie Posters and Wallapapers - Nai Roshni (1967)

movie poster 316816tt0372448-1movie poster 316816tt0372448-2

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