Time Masters (1982)

August 18, 2024 Time Masters (1982)    Listen Movie Details
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Amazon Video has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in JP country/region to rent onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in KE country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in KR country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in KW country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in LC country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in LT country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in LV country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in LY country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in MA country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in MC country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in MD country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in ME country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in MG country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in ML country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in MU country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in MW country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in MY country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in MZ country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in NE country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in NG country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in NO country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in OM country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in PF country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in PH country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in PK country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in PL country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in PT country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in QA country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in RO country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in RU country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in SA country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in SC country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in SE country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in SG country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in SK country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in SN country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in TD country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in TH country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in TN country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in TR country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in TT country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in TW country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in TZ country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in UA country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in UG country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to rent on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in US country/region to rent onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to buy on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in US country/region to buy onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in YE country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in ZA country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in ZM country/region to watch/stream onlineTime Masters (1982) movie is available to watch/stream on MUBI   MUBI has made Time Masters (1982) movie available in ZW country/region to watch/stream online

Movie basic details

Current status - Released
Total runtime - 78 mins.
Release date - 24-03-1982
Release year - 1982
Genres - Adventure, Animation, Now Playing Movies, Science Fiction

Overall ratings and scores for Time Masters:
Happiness Score - 7.4/10, World Popularity Score - 13.825/100, IMDB Score - 7.3, Metascore - N/A, Internet Movie Database - 7.3/10, Rotten Tomatoes - 100%, .
Time Masters movie has Total Global Votes - 144, Total IMD Votes - 6,304

Time Masters Movie Introduction: Movie Time Masters, release year 1982 is written by Stefan Wul, René Laloux, Jean 'Moebius' Giraud and directed by René Laloux. The leading star-cast in this movie are Jean Valmont, Michel Elias, Frédéric Legros along with the other stars and crew members.

Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes

Official 4K Restoration Trailer [Subtitled]

Movie overview and plot by

Movie in-short: Piel, a 7 or 8 year old boy, is alone on the desert planet Perdide, only survivor of an attack by giant hornets. Calling for help, Piel's father's friend Jaffar keeps contact with the kid and hurries across space toward Perdide.

Movie story-line: On planet Perdide, an attack of giant hornets leaves young Piel alone in a wrecked car with his dying father. A mayday message reaches their friend Jaffar, an adventurer travelling through space. Onboard Jaffar’s shuttle are the renegade Prince Matton, his fiancée, and Silbad, who knows Perdide well. Thus begins an incredible race across space to save Piel.

Movie synopsis: Piel, a 7 or 8 year old boy, is alone on the desert planet Perdide, only survivor of an attack by giant hornets. Calling for help, Piel's father's friend Jaffar keeps contact with the kid and hurries across space toward Perdide.

Highlights - Time Masters (1982)

Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $4,368.00
Produced by - HungarofilmBBCPannónia FilmstúdióTF1 Films ProductionWDRSüdwestfunkRTSTélécip
Produced in - FranceGermanyHungarySwitzerlandUnited Kingdom
Available languages - French (Français),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - 1 win & 1 nomination
Certificate(s) - DE : 6 JP : G

Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Time Masters (1982)

Lead Actors - Jean Valmont, Michel Elias, Frédéric Legros
Writer(s) - Stefan Wul, René Laloux, Jean 'Moebius' Giraud
Director(s) - René Laloux

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Time Masters (1982)

What is the release date of Time Masters (1982)?
Release date of Time Masters (1982) is 24-03-1982.

What is the total runtime of Time Masters (1982) in minutes?
Total runtime of Time Masters (1982) in minutes is 78 min.

What is the budget consumed to produce Time Masters (1982) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Time Masters (1982) movie is around $0.00.

How much revenue is expected from movie Time Masters (1982)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Time Masters (1982) is around $4,368.00.

What is the pupularity of Time Masters (1982)?
Worldwide pupularity of Time Masters (1982) movie is 13.825%.

What is the name of the production company of film Time Masters (1982)?
Production company of film Time Masters (1982) is/are Hungarofilm, BBC, Pannónia Filmstúdió, TF1 Films Production, WDR, Südwestfunk, RTS, Télécip, .

Which country the film Time Masters (1982) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Time Masters (1982) is France, Germany, Hungary, Switzerland, United Kingdom, .

Which language the film Time Masters (1982) is produced in?
Film Time Masters (1982) is produced in French (Français), language(s).

Which Genre the film Time Masters (1982) belongs to?
Movie Time Masters (1982) is categorized under Animation, Adventure, Sci-Fi genre(s).

Who are the lead actors of the film Time Masters (1982)?
Lead actors of the film Time Masters (1982) are Jean Valmont, Michel Elias, Frédéric Legros.

Who is the writer of the film Time Masters (1982)?
The writer(s) of the film Time Masters (1982) is/are Stefan Wul, René Laloux, Jean 'Moebius' Giraud.

Who is the director of the film Time Masters (1982)?
The director(s) of the film Time Masters (1982) is/are René Laloux.

Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Time Masters (1982) movie?
Movie Time Masters (1982) has 1 win & 1 nomination awards and nomination in it's profile.

What is the story of Time Masters (1982) in-short?
Short plot of movie Time Masters (1982): Piel, a 7 or 8 year old boy, is alone on the desert planet Perdide, only survivor of an attack by giant hornets. Calling for help, Piel's father's friend Jaffar keeps contact with the kid and hurries across space toward Perdide..

What is the full story of Time Masters (1982) movie?
Full plot of movie Time Masters (1982): Piel, a 7 or 8 year old boy, is alone on the desert planet Perdide, only survivor of an attack by giant hornets. Calling for help, Piel's father's friend Jaffar keeps contact with the kid and hurries across space toward Perdide..

Where to find full details of Time Masters (1982) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Time Masters (1982) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084315

Where to stream or watch movie Time Masters (1982) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Time Masters (1982) on MUBI, MUBI Amazon Channel, Amazon Video, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, .

List of full Starcast and crew members of Time Masters (1982)

Full Starcast:

profie photo of Sady RebbotName: Sady Rebbot
Character: Claude (voice)

profie photo of Michel EliasName: Michel Elias
Character: Silbad (voice)

profie photo of Monique ThierryName: Monique Thierry
Character: Belle (voice)

profie photo of Yves-Marie MaurinName: Yves-Marie Maurin
Character: Matton (voice)

profie photo of Jean ValmontName: Jean Valmont
Character: Jaffar (voice)

profie photo of Frédéric LegrosName: Frédéric Legros
Character: Piel (voice)

profie photo of Patrick BaujinName: Patrick Baujin
Character: Jad (voice)

profie photo of Alain CunyName: Alain Cuny
Character: Xul (voice)

profie photo of Yves BrainvilleName: Yves Brainville
Character: Général (voice)

profie photo of Michel BarbeyName: Michel Barbey
Character: Igor (voice)

profie photo of Jim BaumanName: Jim Bauman
Character: Lowry (voice)

profie photo of Michel PaulinName: Michel Paulin
Character: Pixa (voice)

profie photo of Pierre TourneurName: Pierre Tourneur
Character: Yula (voice)

profie photo of François ChaumetteName: François Chaumette
Character: Robot (voice)

profie photo of Henry DjanikName: Henry Djanik
Character: Un soldat (voice)

profie photo of Nick StoreyName: Nick Storey
Character: L'anglais (voice)

profie photo of Gabriel CattandName: Gabriel Cattand
Character: Pirate (voice)

profie photo of Georges AtlasName: Georges Atlas
Character: Iroquois (voice)

Crew Members:

profie photo of René LalouxName: René Laloux
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Director

profie photo of Stefan WulName: Stefan Wul
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Novel

profie photo of René LalouxName: René Laloux
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Writer

profie photo of Mihály KovácsName: Mihály Kovács
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of Photography

profie photo of Jean-Pierre BourtayreName: Jean-Pierre Bourtayre
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Original Music Composer

profie photo of Pierre TardyName: Pierre Tardy
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Original Music Composer

profie photo of Jean-Patrick ManchetteName: Jean-Patrick Manchette
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Dialogue

profie photo of Ágnes BenyovszkyName: Ágnes Benyovszky
Department: Visual Effects
Job/Role: Animation

profie photo of José AbelName: José Abel
Department: Visual Effects
Job/Role: Animation

profie photo of Zoltán BacsóName: Zoltán Bacsó
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of Photography

profie photo of László BalajthyName: László Balajthy
Department: Visual Effects
Job/Role: Animation

profie photo of Árpád LossonczyName: Árpád Lossonczy
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of Photography

profie photo of Irén BartaName: Irén Barta
Department: Art
Job/Role: Painter

profie photo of András KlauszName: András Klausz
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of Photography

profie photo of Sándor ReisenbüchlerName: Sándor Reisenbüchler
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Special Effects

profie photo of Miklós SalusinszkyName: Miklós Salusinszky
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive Producer

profie photo of Michel GilletName: Michel Gillet
Department: Production
Job/Role: Executive Producer

profie photo of Géza Pál VargaName: Géza Pál Varga
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Special Effects

profie photo of Christian ZanesiName: Christian Zanesi
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Original Music Composer

profie photo of Etienne LarocheName: Etienne Laroche
Department: Production
Job/Role: Production Manager

profie photo of Miklós BaumannName: Miklós Baumann
Department: Visual Effects
Job/Role: Animation

profie photo of Katalin BrossName: Katalin Bross
Department: Visual Effects
Job/Role: Animation

profie photo of Jean GiraudName: Jean Giraud
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Adaptation

profie photo of Jean GiraudName: Jean Giraud
Department: Art
Job/Role: Art Direction

profie photo of Pálné BajuszName: Pálné Bajusz
Department: Art
Job/Role: Painter

profie photo of Dominique BoischotName: Dominique Boischot
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Editor

profie photo of Dominique BoischotName: Dominique Boischot
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Sound Editor

profie photo of Imréné BelánName: Imréné Belán
Department: Art
Job/Role: Painter

profie photo of René LalouxName: René Laloux
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Screenplay

profie photo of Jean GiraudName: Jean Giraud
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Writer

profie photo of Sándor ReisenbüchlerName: Sándor Reisenbüchler
Department: Crew
Job/Role: Special Effects Coordinator

profie photo of Zoltán MarosName: Zoltán Maros
Department: Visual Effects
Job/Role: Animation

profie photo of Philippe GrimondName: Philippe Grimond
Department: Visual Effects
Job/Role: Animation

profie photo of Kati BankiName: Kati Banki
Department: Visual Effects
Job/Role: Animation

profie photo of Ivan KissName: Ivan Kiss
Department: Visual Effects
Job/Role: Animation

profie photo of Oszkár HernádiName: Oszkár Hernádi
Department: Visual Effects
Job/Role: Animation

profie photo of Istvan KovacsName: Istvan Kovacs
Department: Visual Effects
Job/Role: Animation

profie photo of Tibor HernádiName: Tibor Hernádi
Department: Visual Effects
Job/Role: Animation

profie photo of Jean-Luc FalqueName: Jean-Luc Falque
Department: Art
Job/Role: Decorator

profie photo of Jeanne ClaeysName: Jeanne Claeys
Department: Art
Job/Role: Decorator

profie photo of Janos BiroName: Janos Biro
Department: Art
Job/Role: Decorator

profie photo of István OroszName: István Orosz
Department: Art
Job/Role: Decorator

profie photo of Michel SinierName: Michel Sinier
Department: Art
Job/Role: Decorator

profie photo of André MoonsName: André Moons
Department: Art
Job/Role: Decorator

profie photo of Violette PasseriName: Violette Passeri
Department: Art
Job/Role: Decorator

profie photo of Sylvaine PerolsName: Sylvaine Perols
Department: Art
Job/Role: Decorator

profie photo of Jacques LanzmannName: Jacques Lanzmann
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Original Music Composer

profie photo of Jacques DercourtName: Jacques Dercourt
Department: Production
Job/Role: Delegated Producer

profie photo of Roland GrittiName: Roland Gritti
Department: Production
Job/Role: Delegated Producer

Movie Posters and Wallapapers - Time Masters (1982)

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